Chapter 1

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"Help! Help please! Someone please save me!!" I tried my best to scream out as loud as I can but I realise my mouth wont open it's all in my mind why can I not shout out for help? Before I could think anymore my demons spoke for me "it's because no one care about you and no one ever will" "yeah go kill your self no one will notice your gone" another demon interrupted the first demon "stop!!".

"Ameila come down here please" my dad shouted from downstairs getting up I started to trot slowly down the stairs "dinner is ready please come to join the family for dinner time" " yes of course father" with that we sat down dinner time was so quiet tonight not anything different from the usual times though since mother passed away last christmas nothing has been the same we all miss her more than anything and I guess the family is never going to be the same.

"Have you all finished" I asked as I looked at their nearly empty plates and stared at my still half full plate my silly thoughts taking over my mind once again "are you alright Amelia you haven't eaten all your food like you usually do" I thought about my answer " sorry dad had a big lunch today from saved credits and I'm stuffed do you mind if I leave the table please?" "Of course good night Ameila" "night dad".

With that Ameila got up to leave the table it was dad turn to do the dishes tonight so she can just relax in her room to complete work from school but as she reached closer to her room she over heared her siblings talking to each other planning out to hurt her while dad is asleep this scared her as she walked fast towards her bedroom praying it wont happen tonight they only attacked last night she can not afford another beating it's hard to eat as it is with all the hidden bruises.
Tears streamed down her face as she tried to block her door off with things in her bedroom the last time she tried telling father it got out of hand and the boys only had her worse than it started so she now kept it to herself.

Later that night Ameila was still wide awake when she heared the boys whispering outside her room that means her dad is asleep they are going to get her she gets up trying to find a hiding place somewhere they wont be able to hurt her, somewhere safe she found a small cube dig into the wall behind the old wooden wardrobe hiding in there pulling the small wardrobe back in to place just in time.

"Guys where is she?" "I swear she hadn't left the room at all tonight" my two older brothers argued back and fourth as Amelia tried her best not to make a single sound the boys hunted the bedroom but Ameila was no where to be found so they left the room.

Ameila climbed out ger hiding spot making sure to remember that place next time. The next morning Amelia's father had to go to the store her father had told the boys that they had to watch me and he wouldnt be long thing scare me more than anything I might have missed my beating last night but now the moment dad walks out that door they will get me I tried asking dad if i could go with him but he simply said no as his car was broke and still be fixed plus outside was hammering down with rain meaning we would both get soaked, I would rather be soaked than beaten I felt like  screaming but it was useless I had to stay I had no choice.

The moment my dad walked out and they heared the elevator ding they came after me I tried crouching down to protect my stomach from anymore damage but it was no use as each time they threw kicks and punches at Amelia her body was hurting all over one of the boys slung his foot back in anger and kicked her in the face her head flung back and she had stopped breathing a huge red foot mark across her face as his foot kept hitting the same spot knocking her out way before she or even they knew it her body started shaking in shock pain as her breathing had gotten stuck her face slowly turning colour as one of the other boys held her body still as the other 3 beat her.

"Shit guys I think we killed her she ain't moving!" They all laughed finding the situation rather humorous the door opened and the laughing stopped in walked their father not really paying attention to what's going on in front of him until he looked their way hanging up the phone to his boss.

" Amelia!!! What have you done to her!!!" The father screamed louder and harder than he has ever done before there on the floor laid his daughter barely breathing as he saw his sons finding it amusing at what they done " hello can I have the police and the ambulance as soon as possible my daughter is barely breathing my sons have attempted to kill her please hurry!!" With that everyone else in the room froze as tears poured from Ameilas fathers eyes as he ran towards her " come on baby please breathe stay with us please" Ameilas dad keep up with CPR 5 minutes later ambulance and the police came to the home and arrested the 4 brothers while the paramedics try getting Amelia in to the back of the ambulance van.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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