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Nobody pov

  Cas started to stir as his alarm blared he grumpy hit it. Angels didn't need to sleep but he enjoyed feeling safe and warm wrapped in his hunters arms...speaking of dean he tightened his grip on castiels waist not wanting his husband to leave "I have to get to work Dean you know to teach uneducated humans." Cas said sarcastically and Dean smiled while prying one of his emerald green eyes to look at castiel piercing blue ones "You act like us 'humans' are so useless." He pouted "well sometimes you guys can be." Cas said pecking deans lips. He got up and slid on boxers and his black dress pants. "Your a mean angel." Dean said sitting up rubbing his eyes. "That I am, you going to post a new video on last weeks hunt today?" I asked  while buttoning up my white shirt fixing his hair after "planning on it" dean said while plopping back down on his pillow to tired for the morning. Cas chuckled and kissed his forehead and closed the door making sure not to disturb the sleeping hunter. He went and got his trench coat and grabbed his papers and left for work.

   He arrived at the school and got out the angel eager to get the day over. He rushed into his classroom and started setting things up for his history class. He chose history well because he lived it but that meant he had to be careful not to get frustrated at the books for telling the wrong story or not getting it right and it's always a problem with Cas to not spill out was had happened so he didn't sound absolutely crazy. At about 7:50 AM the class shuffled in and they were all very tired and Cas started to understand that Monday mornings are going to be that way. "Okay I'm going to take attendance real quick then you can do what you'd like till your next period." He said and got a couple of grumbles. "Kevin!" He got a hand in reply "Charlie?" Another hand and the list continued on. After attendance some people chatted or went on there phone while others tried to get more sleep into there body. The bell rang and some shuffled out while some stayed them having history first. After all the other kids shuffled in he started the lesson "Today we're going to be talking about the history of angels and demons!" He said and that got some people's attention "Really!!" Charlie blurted out she loving looking into that stuff it was something she enjoyed. "Yes castiel said calmly he started "You can either do your project on angels or demons, if you do angels that means archangels along with god and Lucifer and if y-" he was cut off by Meg "Isn't Lucifer a demon?" She asked smirking "No he's a archangel." Cas said continuing on with what he was saying "if you were to do demons that would include the father of murder how they posses and other things like that." He continued "If you want to do angels then please move to the right and of your doing demons please step to the left. About third of the class spelled to the left. He sighed "you know what to do if you have any questions just come to my desk." He said sitting I'm his chair grading papers "Mr Novak" Jo asked "Yes?" Was his reply looking up at her to see she looked nervous "I was wondering if we're doing demons can we put dean Winchester in it because he was a demon once?" She asked and Cas froze remembering the time he was a demon "yes you can." He barely got it out "Thanks Mr Novak!" She said joyfully probably going to go research. That left Cas thinking about when dean was a demon he was also playing with his wedding ring while deep in thought he remembered the blood and the mark he shivered thinking about it. "DEAN WINCHESTER POSTED A NEW VIDEO!" Meg screamed jerking him out of thought "Mr Novak!" Meg ran up to his desk put of breath asked "Can we watch it please we all have been working really hard!" She whined at him "Alright fine." He sighed only saying yes because he wanted to know how the hunt went. He projected the video on the board and everybody silenced. "Hey guys this is about the hunt I went on a little bit ago!" His husband voice rang through the room and he son found himself smiling as he saw his husbands face appear. It cut to the bunker which he missed dearly. All of there memories were there. "So get this" Sam's voice said as he walked in framed "three body's found eyes burnt out." Handing Dean the book "We thinking angels?" He asked looking through the pages "That's my guess." "Alright then let's go gank there feathery asses!" Dean said getting up. "I thought you only referred to you know who to a feathery ass." Sam said lifting one eye brow "Yeah well there all feathery because they have wings and there all asses." He said grabbing baby's keys. "Jerk" "Bitch" the class laughed and Cas smiled. After the video he found himself missing hunting. When it was the end if the school day he was as exhausted as a angel can be. He just wanted his hunter to hold him lovingly like they used to do when they were back from a rough hunt. He smiled to himself at the thought of dean as he drove home. Once he arrived he unlocked the door and slipped inside taking off his trench coat and shoes while setting his bags down "Dean I'm home!" He called out getting a muffled here coming from the editing room. He walked down the hallway and smiled when be saw his hunter focused on something on his screen his smile disappeared once he saw fear on deans face "Dean what's wrong?" He said putting his hand on his shoulder dean flinched but replied "somebody in the comments noticed the ring and now has started a rumor that I'm married to a woman." He said sighing "Oh well that's not that bad I guess." Cas said relieved that it wasn't something worse "Yeah..." dean said standing up and pulling Cas closer by the waist finally smiling he leaned in and kissed his angel deeply and Cas happily obliged kissing back. Deans tongue slid across Cas lips asking for a entrance and Cas granted he slid his tongue with one swift movement. Cas moaned in deans mouth there tongues dancing around each other deans mouth traveled from his jawline to his neck sucking there and living and nipping. Cas moaned "Dean-" he whined "Yes angel?" He said sucking on Cas sweet spot and Cas let out another moan and tilted his head for better access "Never mind." Cas said his eyes tightly shut in pleasure dean left a big enough bruise to please himself. He slowly started to unbutton Cas shirt and finally it was off and he ran his hand over his chest he stopped at the enochian tattoo and leaned down and kissed it while playing with his belt. Cas groaned while pulling deans shirt off and finally managed it somehow he was still amazed by deans body. This carried on for the rest of the night because instead of monsters that were going bump in the night they were.
The next morning Cas woke up and got ready forgetting g about the hickeys on his neck and drive to school and to his surprise and annoyance everybody was snickering the whole class and he finally snapped "Why is everybody laughing?" He blurted out "That's some fine art you got there Mr Novak." Meg said smirking while everybody giggles. Cas froze he forgot to heal them he blushed "Get back to your work or your getting more." He said and with that everybody went quiet. After a little bit his wings were aching to be stretched he had to keep on moving his shoulders to relieve the pain. "Mr Novak are you okay?" Kevin asked "Yes just fine" Cas grumbled this went on for quite a while until his phone rang it was Dean. He picked it up and that got everybody attention. "Yes?" He said hearing grunts on then other end of the phone. "Cas we could use some help!!" He screamed "Why what happened?!" He asked panicked "Well we were hunting a werewolf but it turns out to be a whole fucking pack!" Dean grunted most likely fighting one off "Mr Novak?" Connor asked. "Well I'm teaching right now." He snarled into the phone "Cas just get your feathery Ass here!!" Dean screamed and hung up he sighed and looked at his class before disappearing with a flutter of wings.he quickly smiled the werewolf he turned to Dean "Are you okay?" "Yeah just a little cut go heal Sammy." Dean told his husband giving him a little smile and Cas returned it. He healed Sam and Dean quick and looked at Dean with a panicked face "Shit" dean said "Okay Cas here bring us to your class and we will explain them" Cas hesitated but flew them back and all his students were panicking "ALRIGHT!!!" Dean said clapping his hands "OMG ITS ITS DEAN WINCHESTER!!!" Lexi screamed well that got everybody's attention Cas thought. "Calm down!" Sam said to the panicking class and everybody went quiet. "Okay you saw your teacher disappear today because we'll he's my angel, and I called him because we were hunting a werewolf but it was a whole pack and he saved our asses." Everybody stared in shock "Your deans angel?!" Meg asked in shocked that her weird history teacher was an angel. "Where's his wings you said in a video that you could see his wings?" Juli pointed out confused "Well you can but not right now but you can see a shadow." Dean said looking at Cas pleadingly. Cas sighed and suddenly thunder and lightening crashed as two shadows of enormous wings formed. "I thought his wings were broken." Lexi said out loud "They were but they have healed." Cas said simply moving his shoulders uncomfortably. Dean instantly notices and gave him a knowing look to with Cas shook his head. "Uh listen guys Cas here his wings are cramped from not being on hunts to stretch them." Dean said looking at the class hoping they will understand "So your saying he needs to bring his wings out?" A girl asked lifting a eyebrow "Well he can't do that without ya know a big field or something like a bunker....." Sam said scratching his neck "Sam you know I can't fly all these people at once." Cas said looking at him. "Yeah that's wh-" "I'm here!" Gabriel said from the doorway his famous smirk displayed on his face. "Did you miss me Cassie?" He said putting a red sucker in his mouth "No no I didn't." Cas said sighing looking at Sam and he just gave him bitch face #67 "Is that Gabriel the archangel?" Connor asked pointing at Gabriel "The one and only husband of a moose warrior of god or well used to be but oh well!" Gabriel said throwing his hands up "So who's ready to fly?"

Let me know if you guys want another chapter because I I'm not that good of a writer

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