[Epilogue] /It's like you knew me and all the things I couldn't say.\

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/It's like you knew me and all the things I couldn't say.\

It had been about two weeks since Remy's party, and just as they agreed upon, they were back to being rivals. Though it wasn't quite the same as it used to be. There was an underlying carefulness in the way they addressed each other, stealing the occasional glances during their classes, bickering in front of people who didn't seem to notice the light teasing and flirting mixed with harsh insults that only seemed to be for show.

"He's been a lot meaner," Chester noted, shifting his gaze between Timmy and AJ.

Timmy shrugged, "Eh, I haven't noticed," he muttered, fiddling with his locker until he was able to pull it open.

""Meaner" isn't the word I'd use," AJ's tone was almost accusatory as he shot a glance at Timmy. He wanted to bring it up, but he reminded himself, once again, it wasn't his business. He could only hope that Timmy wasn't playing with fire.

"Well, how else would...?" Chester's question faded into the background as Timmy's eyes fell on the folded slip of paper that was in his locker.

It could have been from anybody, but some part of him knew that it was from the rich blond that had swept him away all those nights ago. Timmy swallowed thickly, picking it up and opening it, eyes scanning over the few words on the paper.

Meet me behind the school. One o'clock. Don't be late.

Timmy sighed, refolding the note and tucking it in his pocket. Well, there went his lunch break. What could Remy want, anyways? They had made their agreement to keep things as they were, and they have been doing that... sort of...

Okay, maybe things weren't exactly the way they used to be, but...

But, what?

The sharp, piercing sound of the school bell tore through the hallway, signaling the start of a new day. Timmy grimaced, a pit of dread forming in his stomach. This was going to be a very long morning.


It took some time, but Timmy managed to convince Chester and AJ that he had to work on something during lunch, and he couldn't have them around as distractions. He was a bit surprised they had believed him, but far be it from him to look a gift horse in the mouth.

He took a deep breath as he approached his destination, stomach twisting with nerves. It had been a while since he and Remy were alone together, and the thought brought him back to the party, bright lights, ideal chatter, and throughout it all, unbeknownst to everyone else, two bodies were embracing under cover of darkness.

"For a minute, I thought you weren't going to show up," Remy's voice was playful, fond. His hands were tucked into his pockets and he was leaning against the wall, meeting Timmy's eyes.

"Why wouldn't I?" the brunette replied, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Remy shrugged, "Just my nerves, I suppose," he     admitted.

Timmy hummed, "So, what did you need?"

The question earned a long sigh from the blond, "Well, no sense beating around the bush," he stood up straight, approaching his rival, trying to speak around the lump that had formed in his throat. He was a Buxaplenty, like hell would he get cold feet now, of all times, "I know I said it would be a one time thing," he paused, watching Timmy's reaction, "But, if it's alright with you, I'd like to be in a relationship."

Timmy raised an eyebrow, squinting up at him, "Like... secretly?" he asked.


Timmy gaped at the reply, blinking several times in an attempt to process what exactly that single word implied, "Openly, like... the whole school knows, the whole town, your parents?"

"Yes," Remy nodded, carefully taking a step closer to Timmy, their bodies just barely touching, "Unless..." he shifted his gaze, voice growing quiet, "You'd prefer secrecy."

"I mean, it's not—" Timmy tried, rubbing the back of his neck, face flushing at their sudden close proximity, "It's just, you know," he made a gesture with his hand, "Your family reputation and all that... why risk an open relationship?"

Remy met Timmy's stare, suddenly feeling uncertain about the whole situation, "There's a lot of answers to that question," he admitted, "I want to be acknowledged by my family, I want something different in my life that doesn't revolve around money, I enjoy being around you..." his voice suddenly trailed off, a lump forming in his throat as anxiety pooled in his stomach.

Timmy hummed thoughtfully, a grin slipping onto his face, "You like being with me?"

"Maybe..." Remy quietly replied, hating how hot his face felt.

There was a brief lull in their conversation as the two simply stared at each other, both left with their own thoughts. They had been rivals for so long, Timmy wondered if they could even manage to be in an actual relationship. Remy even admitted that part of the reason he wants to date Timmy is for the attention.

Yet despite that, despite all the fighting, all the insults, despite everything...


Remy blinked, unable to keep the startled look from his face, "What?" he couldn't help but ask.

Timmy smiled up at him, taking Remy's hand in his, "Come on, let's go grab lunch before next period," he gently pulled Remy along as he started walking towards the front of the school.

"Um, right..." Remy quickly fell in step with the brunette, briefly glancing at him before focusing on the path in front of him.

With their hands still intertwined, Remy felt a content sigh leave him and the faintest of smiles slip onto his face.

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