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Y/n's POV

I've been tossing and turning in my bed all night, unable to sleep, thinking about the day my parents died.

Three years ago *flashback*

"Y/n! S/n! Time to get up!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. I could smell the coffee mom and dad were drinking from downstairs. It was my first day of junior high, I quickly put on my uniform and ran downstairs before my parents left for work.

I gave both of them a big hug, then said goodbye. Once they left I went to go make breakfast for me and S/n, since she always takes forever to get ready. Once she was downstairs we ate our food and went over to the Minamoto's to walk to school with Teru-senpai.

I looked at the school gates feeling very off about today, like something was going to happen. I just rubbed it off as nerves and walked through. I entered my classroom, when I realized. I don't have any friends! I looked around and saw everyone with at least one person to talk to. Well this is a great start.

I sat near the back next to the window behind a girl with purple hair and two buns. She was talking to a girl with cream colored hair with turquoise tips. I was about to try and talk with them when our teacher walked in. " Hello, my name is Tsuchigomoir and I will be your home room teacher this year." He said, sounding a bit bored.

Most of the class was just introducing ourselves, basic stuff. Until another teacher walked in and said for me to go with them. The whole class looked over at me. Why! I hate attention! I quickly walked out of the door and followed to teacher to the principles office where I saw S/n sitting in front of the principal, and a police officer next to her. What is happening!

" L/n, sit down we need to discuss something," the principal said, sounding a little weary. Now I'm really confused. I sat down next to S/n and looked at her questionably. She just shrugged with a confused look also plastered on her face.
" Now, I know you both must be very confused as to why I have called you down here." The principal said. We both nodded as he continued.

" I have some very bad news for you both. While you parents were on their way to work, the car in front of them started swerving all over the road, and you parents unfortunately hit them." I looked at the principal shocked. " Are they okay?" I asked concerned. Was this the bad feeling I was having earlier? Are they hurt? What's happening?

He paused for a second. Then sighed. " They got severely injured, and are currently being hospitalized. We're not sure if they are going to make it." After he said that it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I felt like I couldn't breath. Was this really happening? This feels like a scene right out of a movie.

I didn't even notice the tears coming out of my eyes, nor did I care. S/n grabbed onto me and cried as well, but I didn't move a muscle. I loved my parents more than anything, they were the best parents I could've ever asked for. So why was this happening? They didn't deserve to die so soon. I could only say one thing, " Can we see them?"

Time skip *One Hour*

I was waiting outside my parents hospital room next to S/n, waiting for the doctors to finish checking up on them so we could see them. A doctor come out of their room with a saddened expression on her face. " I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your parents have passed."

I froze. No! That can't be true! Before I knew it I ran past the doctor into their room. What I saw will haunt me forever. All I can remember is their faces. Black and blue splotches all over, mom had a huge dent in her four head, while dad didn't even look like a had a nose anymore. That's all I could remember before the nurses but cloths over their bodies.

I fell to the floor sobbing, " NO! NO! NO!" I screamed until my voice was gone. The doctors had to drag me out of the room. You couldn't even explain the emotions I was feeling. Anger, sadness, grief, fear. I don't even remember. It all goes foggy after that.

Present time

I stared up at the ceiling above me in mine and my sisters shared room, with silent tears running down my face. If only I gave them one more hug, had them stay one minute longer, and they might still me here.

Word count
I hope you liked the first chapter! I know it's a little sad, but I just needed to get her backstory over with.

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