Sarawat's Bday Surprise!!

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Earlier we have seen them celebrating tine's bday & their anniversary but I missed them celebrating sarawat's bday L , tine wanted to give him surprise for their anniversary but couldn't so it will b really great to watch him arranging a surprise bday party for sarawat, so here how it will go,

Its sarawat's bday & wat is all excited to know what tine have stored for him, but to his dismay or disappointment, tine seems to completely forget the special day of him, at morning wat was expecting tine to wake him up with a kiss & singing happy bday song but nothing happened, he tried to remind tine about the day & will be hinting like if he is forgetting anything but tine will act indifferent which will make wat sad, tine ll say he has an important meeting & ll go out & sarawat too left house with a sour mood, where sarawat will be sad most of the day & sulking, tine will be all busy preparing the birthday venue which will be their buildings terrace, in the open air, at night, he has been planning for it from last month , he also invited their close friends & family, yes their parents will be there as well, everything is set, tine decorated the whole terrace with fairy life with the help of his friends, the cake, food everything is ready, just they are waiting for sarawat to come home.

It was 6 pm when sarawat came back home & to his disappointment the house is cold & empty just like his heart, how can tine forgot his bday? If it was sarawat who had forgotten tine's bday, tine might have sulking for a week, but sarawat being sarawat cant do it, can he? He can never be upset with tine no matter what, sighing he was just going to get freshen up when he heard the calling bell, assuming it must b tine he went to open it with all smiling but that smile disappear when he saw it was the watchman who came there & asked there was some emergency & they have to go to the terrace as the building secretary had called an urgent meeting in the terrace (tine planned it all with the watchman)

When sarawat went to the terrace he was greeting with all his friends & family, he was so surprised & shocked that man couldn't help but to snap his pic to tease him later , everyone where wishing him but his eyes were looking for only one person, when other notices sarawat looking here & there, they all gave each other a teasing look & at that moment sarawat could hear, some guitar tuning & a voice singing "happy bday son" a voice with with he is very much familiar with a voice which he can listen for years, all give their way for him to reach to the voice & as the path becoming clearer he could see the solace of his heart & soul his tine, with that radiating smile, that smile which took his breath away years a smile that make him fall so deep that he never want to get over it.. as tine finished his song, they both had an eyelock, sarawat with teary eyes said " So you didn't forget"

Tine with a gentle smile, "how can I forget this day? Because of u were born today years ago, I could have you in my life, you have given a new meaning to my life & making it worth living, you are the most precious to me, I can forget anything but not today & im sorry for make you sad in the morning"

Sarawat just pat his head & said " thank you for everything, the moment was so overwhelming for him he can barely talk, others clear their throat so they could bring the lovebirds from their dream land, tine then said there was another surprise & asked him to look upon the sky & when sarawat did as said , his breath got stuck on his throat, " as with firework it was written. "will you marry me"? the question he keep asking tines for long & never get a reply just his shy smile, now tine is asking him the same question back? What else he could have asked from life, could he? , he just look at tine now with red teary eyes, just nod his head not believing his voice anymore, it's a overwhelm moment for tin as well , his smile grew more & he bring out a black box from his coat's pocket & hold out 2 rings which engraved their name's initials, S for tine & T for sarawat , it took sarawat's breath away he can believe how his day was started & how its going now, he was so emotional & beaming with happiness that without caring about his surrounding he placed his lips on tines & tine too happily kissed him back while others cheer for them !

An Overwhelming Surprise - Sarawat Tine OSWhere stories live. Discover now