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chapter 13 – running away



"Are you ready?" Stella asked me when she entered the room, I was getting ready in.

Today was the basketball game against Richmond Highschool and as much as I didn't want to leave the house and go there, I had to. We had a half-time performance that was very important for our cheer captain and we also had to cheer on the team of course, as we did in every game. The main reason I didn't want to go was that Justin would be there and I had no desire to see him. I was still not over everything that happened but I tried my best to deal with the situation.

"Yeah, I'm done," I answered Stella's question. We took our belongings, made our way out of her house, and got into the car so that we could drive to our school, where the game was going to take place.

At quarter past four, we arrived at the gym. The game was supposed to start at six but we needed to be there earlier than anyone for warm-ups and so we could go through everything with everybody. We entered the gym and already saw a few basketball players and the cheerleaders and Stella and I walked over to the girls together. I saw Chelsea looking at me with a smug smirk on her face and no matter how badly I wanted to wipe that off her face, I tried my best ignored her.

I sat down on the ground and began to stretch my body so it could be ready for all the dancing that was going to go on today. Stella said something about one of the boys and I wanted to know what she meant so I turned around and looked over to where the boys were. The first boy I noticed though was Justin, who was staring at me and he also didn't look away when our eyes met and we looked at each other from a distance for a few seconds. I broke the stare and I immediately looked away when the scenes of the previous day came into my head again. I tried to shake it off.

"Are you okay?" I heard Kristen ask me and I looked up to her and just smiled.

"Yeah, I'm good just a bit nervous," I said to her, only giving her half of the truth. I actually was really nervous since this was going to be my first performance ever since I had been a cheerleader here and I wanted to make everything right. I wished my mother would have been there for moral support but she told me that she wouldn't make it because she had been in Denver but that was totally fine.

"Don't be scared. It's going to be okay." She assured me and gave me a smile. "Come on girls, let's start." She said loudly and everybody reacted to that and stood up.

We waited until everyone was standing at their positions so we could go over the performance one more time and then the music started. The music we were dancing to was a mix of a lot of different songs and everyone moved their bodies and danced the choreography that we had rehearsed the past weeks. The performance was supposed to be only 4 minutes long and I was glad that it wasn't that long because that took a lot of nervousness away from me.

The boys had made space for us on the court and they sat back and watched us dancing. For a fact I knew that Justin was watching me all the time; I just had a feeling that I was begin observed even though I was not looking and I didn't want to look because if I did, I was going to mess up and, at that moment, I wished the minutes would go by quicker.

When we were finished the boys started clapping and cheering and that somehow made me smile because that meant we were good and that was all that matters. We walked to the cabins to get something to drink and went over a few things again, waiting for the game to start...

The game had started already and I stood with the cheerleaders on our side of the court. We were cheering our team on and moved our pom-poms back and forth as we chanted our usual cheer chants to support the team.

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