All teh Ships

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Rexamus: You know that couple that wrote down date locations, even restaurants they hated, by numbers and put them all in a jar? This is them. They've totally gone to a place they hate out of spite.

Navrina: Plan dates three weeks in advance, completely cancels for a night in if anything, literally anything from the uber to the weather, messes with those plans.

Jadam: The bane of double date planners. Has never decided to go on a date more than twenty four hours in advance. Do they have adult responsibilities?? Any sort of schedule at all? John gets reservations to the nicest place in Sanfran four hours in advance and makes some rich couple rage in their limo. Don't go on a lot of nice dates because John they don't like being in public but when they do John goes all out

Adive: Don't really go on dates in a way other couples go on dates. They're both solitary people by nature, most of the times they just spent out of the house together can be counted as dates. A trip to the fish store, a shared morning coffee at a stand, they go to the book store and pick books out for each other.

Jarah: Meet cutes all the way, ice cream stands and morning walks and him surprising her at work, also have seen every artistic film out in the theatre since they started dating

Stohn: Has been on one suit and tie date the entire time they've been together, likes it that way. Most dates are morning runs and workouts, after work park takeout picknics, and late night drives

Cagel: The cycle of Nigel introduces band, Caleb gets into band, they see band in concert, repeat. Not ones for actually planning dates, but any time they go out with the group to bars they eventually break off on their own for the night. Neither can cook particularly great so also a lot of cheap food dates.

Samix: A great many of their dates start with "lets go on an adventure" and end at least two hours from where they started. Late night drives, hiking, Instagram worthy but they barely take pictures kinds of dates. Also always trying new foods, totally that couple that knows a nice place to eat in a city you've never been

Sirina: Park dates, aquarium dates, museum dates oh my! Places that are quiet without a lot of people and with something nice to look at are the norm. Marina loves cooking for her so they don't eat out a lot

Lexa and Walker: Cafes and hotel rooms and spontaneous classes

Kopaylor: Also spontaneous classes, as well as having eaten at every place that serves desserts they they've been able to find

Jam: Movie dates, stargazing, any time the sky does anything cool or funky Sam will wake John up for it and they'll drive out to a field with his telescope and some snacks to watch

Nadam: Has never completed a date from start to finish, either because they saw something else they wanted to do, suddenly ran out of energy for public things, or Got In The Mood

Sixrah: There's nothing truly like the feeling of sharing cheap 24/7 grocer food together at an outside table while lazily playing footsie and talking about the future

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