winners !

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first of all , a big thanks to everybody that requested ! a total of 10 people requested , but like stated before , only five will be chosen (it was so hard-)

to those of you who were not chosen — i feel awful only choosing five, so once i fully
open a new shop , y'all will be having a vip pass for one request ! basically your request will be a top priority once i open it (: i hope that makes up for it !

these people were chosen because their request made me have a lot of inspiration and i just got excited in general to make their visual come to life . all of the requests were very interesting, but i chose my favorite ones !

the winners are:
(i'll tag in comments if tags don't show up)

— @1-800-stories
— @tranquilit
— @arizaarosee

congratulations !! i'll be working on y'all's requests these next few days and hopefully have them done by december 31st or january 1st !

to all the other people, thanks once again for requesting ! i hope i get to see y'all again once i fully open a graphic shop xx

have a nice christmas eve everyone , and if you don't celebrate christmas , have a wonderful day !! ♡︎♡︎

lots of love

- lana 🧸

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