Chapter Six

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This time Nasrin didn't come for Veshya. He was kicked out of the room after a few minutes of laying there by a woman and her customer. He retrieved his sari and limped out of the room in a pained rush. The stairs seemed to mock his desire to bathe himself clean and for a few minutes he stood at the top of them, trying to breathe evenly and convince himself to make the first step.

He went down one slow step at a time and exited the building into the courtyard. He wasn't alone this time and had to bathe with several women, most of whom were confused to see him there again. A few however gave him knowing sympathetic looks.

He bathed slowly before drifting to the edge of the courtyard where he could look into the busy street. He thought about going out there and never coming back. Nasrin had lied and if he had gone through that twice in the last two nights, there was nothing stopping it from happening again. Unless he left this place.

But the world outside was just as unfamiliar as it was here. Here he got a place to sleep indoors and enough food and clean enough water. He didn't know if he would get those things if he left.

Feeling dejected and exhausted from another long and painful day and night, Veshya moved back upstairs, finding Nasrin in the room, changing.

"You lied to me." He told her with a glare.

Nasrin got her fabrics situated before turning to him. "I didn't know." She told him callously, placing shiny bracelets on her wrists.

"I hate you." Veshya immediately regretted his words for fear of being beaten worse. He took a few steps back, preparing to run if Nasrin came for him.

But she stayed where she was, adjusting her accessories. "You should be grateful." She muttered. "You're too senseless to see that you're being given a chance to live."

Veshya realized that Nasrin wasn't angry, just tired, and the fear of being hurt dissipated, replaced with confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked cautiously.

Finished with her jewelry, Nasrin looked up at him. "Remember the only reason you weren't killed the second Ishani found out you are a boy is because she wanted to wait for Pita to see if he wants you."

Veshya had now heard the name Ishani twice but still didn't know who that was. "Ishani?" He questioned.

"The Malkin's name is Ishani. Malkin is her title as the owner of this brothel." Nasrin explained. "Her husband takes unwanted workers with him to Laal Narak."

"What's Laal Narak?" Veshya asked.

"If someone ever makes it back from there, I'll ask."

Veshya no longer felt he could sleep. He needed to get away as soon as possible. He would rather be back with Ishwar and Madhu than be here, waiting for some man to take him away.

Nasrin saw the terror in his eyes and let it settle for a few seconds before re-stating: "Pita takes unwanted workers to Laal Narak." with an emphasis on unwanted.

Veshya was still feeling the urgency to run this second but he looked at Nasrin, not understanding.

"I haven't had a single man come here looking for a boy in fifteen years. Within the last day you've had two different men ask for you specifically. If you become valuable, if you become a wanted worker, Ishani will have no reason to send you away with Pita.

Veshya wasn't feeling any less scared. "But I don't want to do it anymore. It hurts."

Nasrin rolled her eyes. "Obviously I'll teach you how to make it hurt less. It can even become nearly enjoyable"

Veshya was doubtful but nodded slowly anyways.

Nasrin nodded and left him to sleep.

The next night, Veshya was instructed in how to dress himself in various clothing and stand in front of the building to display himself. It was scary because of the looks he got from passer-bys but Nasrin reprimanded him for any look which she told him would turn every potential customer in a mile radius soft.

He earned many scoldings which generally ended in calling him a "sprat". When he asked Nasrin what a sprat was, she shrugged and told him it was some sort of small fish before snapping at him to stand up straight.

Veshya didn't have to worry about having a customer for the next few nights that followed. The men didn't return which Veshya was grateful for although Nasrin told him it was nothing to be happy about. "Most return during the weekend. Gives them more time and a better excuse to give their spouses."

Veshya preferred his chores of cleaning more, even if they were tedious, he didn't feel so vulnerable. Nasrin was only out with him between customers and helping the other women. She seemed to be very popular among the customers and would turn into an entirely different person when she saw someone she recognized. Veshya would watch her interactions carefully and try to mimk how she moved her body.

A few times a man would be interested in Veshya but quickly changed his mind when he found out that he was not a girl. He had gotten used to being turned down for this and began to believe he wouldn't have to deal with being hurt again. Until the weekend came again and he found himself surrounded by the light-skinned man, the second man who had used him, and a friend of theirs. He looked around for Nasrin desperately afraid but she was gone. He tried to get past them into the building but one of the men caught his wrist.

"What's the rush? We've got all night."

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