A Student (MA version)

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It's been a very busy year for Miss Marc also known as Aly to her friends. She has had so much work to do for her class and she hasn't had any fun in quite a while. But of course that is all about to change.

It's the Sunday before the new semester at her university, she's going over her new class list on her laptop when she gets a new email from the dean of students of a new transfer student; Noah Centineo. The email says that he has had all the required classes at another university and will be ready for class on Monday.  She gets ready for bed for the night and has everything ready for the classes she has tomorrow.

It's Monday afternoon and she's had two classes already and ready for her last class of the day. She begins to start the class when the door opens and a very handsome man walks in the room.

"Um is this medical technology with Marc?" The mystery man says.

"Yes, it is and you are?" Miss Marc says.

"I'm a transfer student, Noah Centineo. I think they dean emailed you about me and my situation."

"Yes he did. You can sit anywhere, Mr. Centineo," Miss Marc says and turns her attention back to the other students as Noah walks over to an empty table. She begins going over the syllabus and course outline then gives a reading for the night and let's everyone leave for the day.

She begins packing up for the day and is about to leave when she sees Noah walk into the classroom. "May I help you, Mr. Centineo?"

"I think I left my hoodie in here. Have you seen it?"

Aly looks to where Noah was sitting about ten minutes ago and notices a blue hoodie sitting on the back of his chair and she nods, "It's at your table."

"Okay thanks, Miss Marc," Noah says then walks over to the table and grabs the hoodie. He walks back by Miss Marc's desk, "Thanks."

She nods and smiles, but continues to pack her things up, once she has everything she heads out the door and then heads home to work on more assignments and reviews for her classes.

A few weeks have passed and all her classes are going great, she's finally in her rhythm with classes and working on them at night. She is working on grading her last class of the day's quizzes when she gets to the last one who happens to be Noah's. She continues grading and she is a little shocked, Noah is the only student who got every single question and even the bonus questions right. She begins to think about how Noah is in class, he talks to other students but when it comes to lectures he's always taking notes, paying close attention to what she has to say, and always answers questions. He is the perfect student.

It's Friday and all Aly has planned for today's classes are a three page quiz on everything they've covered over the last few weeks. She passes out all the quizzes and tells the class to begin. She goes back to her desk and starts grading her other classes while everyone is busy.

Around fifteen minutes she hears a chair scratch on the floor and she looks up from the quiz she's grading to see Noah standing up and pulling his hoodie over his body and his shirt comes up too and damn. He pulls the hoodie the rest of the way off and pulls down his shirt over his abs, that Aly is drooling over. Aly, he is a student. Look away. But he is a very yummy student. Noah looks towards her and catches her watching him, he smirks, and sits back down in his seat, he continues to work on his quiz and Aly tries to go back to working on grading the quizzes.

A few more minutes have passed and a few students are finishing their quizzes, she allows them to leave as they finish. She goes back to grading when Noah stands up and walks up to her desk and hands her his quiz and smiles at her. He turns and walks back to his table and grabs his hoodie and backpack and leaves the classroom.

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