7 - Twice the Trouble

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Chapter 7 - Twice the Trouble


Skylar's Pov:

Today was one of those days where you have no idea what's going on or where you were whenever you woke up. It's like having a mini heart attack because you don't remember your surroundings, and believe me, it scared the shit out of me when I woke up to another person next to me.

The sun shines into my face, tiredness still overcoming me as I open my eyes. I look around, sitting up quickly whenever I don't recognize where I'm at.

"The hell?" I mutter when I see a wooden chair in the corner and clothes scattered across the door messily. "Where I am?"

My heart goes into a mini panic mode whenever I hear a groan next to me, pulling me away from examining the room I'm in. I whip my head around to the noise just to see a blonde matt of hair covering the other pillow beside where I was just sleeping.

I shriek when the blonde turns over, surprising me and making me tumble off the side of the bed in shock. Shit, thats going to leave a bruise.

I look down at my twisted ankle when I hit the floor, a purple tint I forming whenever I hear a chuckle from the top of the bed.

"Surprised, Greenie?" The boy chuckles, I recognize the idiots voice whenever he laughs.

I stare up at the blonde peeping over the side of the bed. "I think I twisted my ankle." I mumble quietly, ignoring his comment.

"We can be bloody twins now." He smiles slightly.

I roll my eyes and stand up slowly, throwing myself back onto the bed even though I was slightly uncomfortable sleeping next to someone I had just met.

I dig my face into the pillow, a weird feeling creeping into my stomach as I sense Newt still staring at me. I lift my head when I don't feel him leaving yet. He lays there still smirking at me, his hair tussled and uneven as he watches me without blinking an eye.

I quirk an eyebrow when he doesn't budge. All he does is mimic me before nudging my shoulder, sitting up slightly before speaking. "You should get your ankle checked, don't want you bloody injured already, Greenbean."

I glare at him but figure he's right. I can't go around walking with a limp because I wouldn't be able to get anything done, so I nod my head but turn over, closing my eyes for a couple of minutes because I was still tired as hell.

I knew where I was now, besides the obvious reasons as to why of course. This was Newt's room and I could tell by the clothes laid out along the chairs, and plus, why would he sleep here if it wasn't his area to be in? But at the same time, he could've just taken me to my hammock last night, there's really no excuse for bringing me here but I can't tell him that. I'd sound like an asshole.

I hear his footsteps fade lightly as he open the door, already up and at 'em after my performance this morning but I call him nonetheless, I couldn't come off as rude.

"Thank you for bringing me here." I tell him, my voice quivering from the lack of speaking.

"No problem, Greenie. Just be up in ten cause you have to get that ankle of yours checked out. Med-Jacks are upstairs." He nods before closing the door lightly on me.

I sigh at the lost of warmth as he leaves, looking over at the tussled blankets next to me. I sing my legs slightly over the side, making sure to not step on my right foot as I limp over to his side of the bed. I put the pillows off to the side before making the bed. It would right to do this to at least show that I appreciated what he did.

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