Theodore Nott

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This one might be turned into a book- CAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH BOTH OF THEM.

Theodore had always been quiet.

Astonishingly so. He didn't yelp or so much as flinch if he were started and it befuddled everyone who came across the boy.

"Boo!" Shouted Maddie, sneaking up on him, and he didn't even look up at her, merely flipping the page of his book,

"Do you need something Noceda?" He asked, and Maddie huffed, frowning at him,

"They should have you studied. Or committed. Or both." Said Maddie, slumping against the desk, "How are you?" She asked, setting her head on its side and looking over at him,

"I'm fine." He said shortly, the lie was easy,

"You had a really good presentation the in Potions, for three minutes I actually gave a shit about crushed beet roots and their properties," said Maddie,

He didn't respond.

"Yours was great too, Noceda," she imitated in his accent,

He glanced at her and arched an eyebrow and then she let out a small giggle, covering her mouth with her hand,

"It wasn't that bad." She said, and his face returned to its blank stare as his eyes returned to his book, "I got an E I'll have you know, and the only reason it wasn't better was because I got distracted."

He didn't respond.

"I even hid the very book that distracted me in the shelf you frequent so that, if my hypothesis is correct," she tugged his book from him and he looked at her blankly, eyes marking the page he was on, she flipped to the back, to reveal a characature of him smiling,

'I'm so glad this book taught me how to remove a stick from my arse, thanks Noceda,' was inscribed in a speech bubble,

"It's this very book about divination," said Maddie, and then she handed him the book back and did sparkle fingers,

Hoping for at least an eye roll. She didn't get one.

He merely returned to his page in the book.

"Did you know, that a stick up the arse can kill a person?" Asked Maddie, "Can rise up and puncture your heart, so you know if you could maybe give me any indication of whether or not you're amused it could give me a hope that you are gonna live. And you know. That would be nice for me to have."

Theodore didn't look up he did however wordlessly flip to the back of the book, carefully tear out the drawing she had made for him, fold it and put it in the pocket of his robes, touched it from outside the pocket and then returned to his book,

She grinned happily before opening her own book, and then she got distracted within the first fifteen minutes,

Because Theodore Nott was not only quiet, and clever, he was also extremely handsome,

Her eyes flickered to him every few seconds as she drew his portrait,

"You are so handsome," she said, shaking her head, "Shouldn't be legal." Maddie would also ramble occasionally, thinking he wasn't listening, "I fucked up your jaw line." She scowled at her parchment, and Theo glanced at it,

He didn't see anything wrong with it,

"Would you be mad if I just brought a protractor one day?" She asked, "And just held it up to your face. Fair warning. I will take your silence as an enthusiastic yes,"


"Damn you." She said with a scowl, before setting about perfecting his eyes in her drawing,

She always got very quiet at this point.

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