Expectation, and Satisfaction

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The first day of fifth grade. I never knew I could have so many friends, especially after being the leader of a clique (which I was totally oblivious to until last year.) I was supposed to go to A different school, but my life took an unexpected turn at literally the last second.

"Dad, we are going the wrong way."

"No we aren't (blank), were going to Heritage."
At that moment my heart dropped to the soles of my shoes, where it was then stomped on many times. All the rumors about the school I was heading to and how it was dirty and all the teachers were uneducated and mean flooded through me. And I knew that my former friends would wonder where I was that day....and maybe hopefully dead. But my parents are divorced, and even through that and the restraining order, my mother was not going to miss my first day of school. In my pink, black and white blouse, my fedora (I was such a girly girl) and my leggings, I felt to much of an outcast. But the only thing I remembered before the tears became an ocean and the hysterics began breaking out of their candy coated shell, was my mom and my dad gazing towards me. They were side by side, and they looked like they actually loved eachother again.

"Have a wonderful day!" I remember my mom waving at me.
But I didn't want to let go of her hand. You know those times when tape gets stuck to your finger and it takes another to help you get it off from sticking onto your finger again, that was basically me. I kept grabbing into her as soon as she pryed my off, and finally my dad basically threw me into the classroom with all those kids staring at me.

And as the metal door closed, my eyes began to water, and the heart grinding lump jumped to my throat, I started fifth grade. And I met her, the one who has the best sense of humor. The one who actually keeps me going to this day. The one who always under reacts (in a good way) and always is there to give you support and be by your side. And I can't say her name, but she is my Fadie, and my true partner in crime. She is the one who knows what I know. She is my doctor to the Tardis, and my yin to my yang. I couldn't think what I'd be without her, and I just might not be here today without her.

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