You, Humans

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One may think they are not meant to be

One may think 'tis not to their consent to be

One may think 'it's unfair to live

One may think 'it's embarrassing so they hold their breath

How complicated can us humans be

How unthoughtful do we live and speak

It's depressing to have a creature like us

Motherearth did nothing wrong to deserve us

Humans were meant to be happy

Humans weren't meant to be crappy

Hating, leaving, ignoring and despising

Crying, mourning, denying and regretting

Breaking each other's heart and souls

Breaking through and piercing holes

Full of hatred, full of love

A mixture of peace and blood

We love so good but we hate so much

We show affection but ignore too much

We want everything to go our way

We only want the other party to stay

It's unfair how we treat each other

It's unfair how we think we are better than another

It's unfair how we see everything pointed towards us

Ignoring nature, others and thinking it's all about us

We swim like dolphins, we bite like sharks

Festive and looking happy, ready to leave bite marks

We approach the sea, we approach the land

We build societies to making rules and demand

We choose whom to follow, we choose who to love

We think we are more worthy of other's love

We never stop asking for more, it's never enough

So we rape and take and make from their stuff

We expect to be treasured, we want to be whole

We expect others to know why they aren't worthy to hold

We demand justice when it's to our harm

We aggressively want to benefit and never get harmed

We are useless creature, ungrateful for our lives

Always mad and upset about many ties

We don't appreciate what we are given

Always in search of what we are never given

And I sit and write this poem to grieve for the loss of values

The loss of grief for poems that have never been used

The loss of words and meaning

Purposes and significant aiming

The loss of humanity, a reason to wisdom

The loss of revolution at this age of freedom

Oh, I weep for my kids and their unprecedented loss

Oh, I weep with anguish and wish to be taken out of this chaos

My soul is crying, she wants to escape

She wants to gain a world where love can live


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