Begining of a hurricane...😭

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Jaden: and all this angels and de- *sees me* "hey! Stop!" "Can I bring fans up here?" He says to his manger they said it's fine.
Jaden: you! *he points at me* you have a really good voice come up here!
Hey I'm Alexis but you can call me lex or Lexi your probably asking what just happened well I'll tell you let's start about who I am...
I'm a 17 year old shy girl I'm in junior year...
now back to the story!
Me and my friends thought it was an amazing idea to go to the jxdn concert and my life changed forever but let's not get ahead of ourselves we still got a how ass story! Anyways now let's start with the day we decided on this amazing idea...
Nessa: guys you know what would be cool?! Let's go to a jxdn concert!

Matt: that would be so cool but we don't have to money.

Bryce: I think if we all put our work savings together it would be enough!

lexi: I mean I guess. But! What are our parents gonna say? Yes? HA!

Matt: I think mom and dad would be fine with it lex. And plus they always say yes when I ask them for something.

lexi: I guess your right? Ok let's do it!
So now that you know that! Let's go forward into the story and I'll see you guys when it's over lol.
*after that Addison came and picked Bryce up nessa left and me and Matt went to ask our parents*

Matt: hey mom? Dad?

Mom: yes sweetie *dad just nods*

Matt: can we go to a concert with nessa Bryce and Addison? It's in a month and then there's another one soon after that it's in New York I know we live in Florida but please?

Dad: by WE you mean you and Alexis?

Matt: yes.

Dad: I suppose so but keep an eye on your sister she gets lost sometimes.

*I roll my eyes*

Matt: ok thx!

*after that me and Matt go to my room and I start tearing up*

Matt: hey hey what's wrong?

lexi: why do they hate me so much?

*he hugs me*

Matt: idk sis idk but what I do know is that you are smart and pretty and the best twin sister anyone could ask for and I love you so much lex you know that right?

lexi: *sniffs* yea-yeah I love you too matty...

Matt: now get some sle-

Lexi: can you lay with me matty? I need hugs.

Matt: yea sure sis I love you...

Lexi: love you too!

*he raps his hands around me and we cuddle within 2 minutes I feel asleep*

A/N ~ sneak peak on what's coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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