I don't need help

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For the next two weeks, I've been adjusting to Monterey.

I've been going to dance practice, I've gone to the beach, I've gotten to know the twins better, I even went shopping.

Things are starting to fall into place, and I'm actually really enjoying it here.

I know I'll become much busier after I get my new mission, which I should be getting word of within the next few days.

Just as I'm about to head to the beach to meet up with Casey, my government assigned laptop begins to buzz and vibrate.

Taking a seat at the desk, I pull the lid of the laptop up to reveal my boss, aka, the head of the CIA.

"Kylie. Nice to see you. How are you liking your relocation?" Jack Jones greets.

"Hey, Jack, it's nice to see you too. And it's nice here, it's a lot better than D.C though."

"Good to hear. So I'm sure you're very eager to receive you mission, hmm?" His deep voice rumbled.

Jack Jones is a very intimidating guy. Tall, large build, buzz cut, challenging dark eyes, most people would be very intimidated by him. I would be too, if he weren't my uncle.

"You could say that." I agree.

"How are mom and dad doing?" I ask, making conversation.

"They're good. They say its a lot quieter around the house now." He responds with a chuckle.

"I'm sure. So what's up?"

Jack leans forward in his chair, clasping his hands together. "There's been a change in plans" He admits.

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?" 

"You're going to have a partner. A fellow teen spy." He explains. My jaw drops. Are you kidding me?

"No. Absolutely not. I don't need, nor do I want help." I refuse.

"That's too bad, seeing as the papers have been signed and he's already your partner." Jack states, obviously proud of himself.

A loud beeping rings through the other end of the computer. "Oh I gotta go! I'll be there tomorrow with your partner, See you then." Jack declares, signing off.

The laptop screen goes blank, and I'm left to wonder, Who is my new partner?

My phone buzzes, and I glance down at it. It was a text from Casey. "u comin or wht?" I immediately remembered i was supposed to meet her at the beach five minutes agoI respond "srry i'll be there in a sec" Grabbing my tote bag, I slip on my flipflops and head down the the beach.


Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!! Next update will come much sooner! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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