Ch. 1: The Grimoire

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Alicia desperately wished that it would stop raining. It had been storming for at least three days now, and while she loved a good storm as much as the next witch it was getting rather irritating. Her mother had insisted that rain was good for spells, and fresh rainwater would do them good. Still, Alicia could tell that even the patient Lady Felkin, member of the Coven Council, was fed up with all the rain.

Alicia and her mother lived in a very pleasant town called Siffel, but that wasn't where the witches met. They had their own world, apart from that of the mundane masses, one that they shared with every other creature with magical connections or reputation. Vampires and werewolves had their own covens just like the witches, and creatures like gryphons and dragons and kelpies ran amok. Dragons weren't quite interpreted correctly by the typical people in that they weren't amazing creatures of legend, or mythos to be revered and immortalized in stories, but more like very odd little possums or raccoons, always getting into things they shouldn't. Witches sometimes kept them as pets, and there were always the odd rich werewolves that managed to start a menagerie, but on the whole they were really just a nuisance. Or rather, they were usually viewed as one. Alicia didn't mind the scruffy little buggers so much, as long as they weren't in the tub when she wanted a wash.

Dragons were one of the many things occupying Alicia's mind as she stared off into the misty downpour outside her window. He room was in the attic, but as they had a rather wide house it only took up half the space. Still, it was a sizable bedroom. One wall was slanted due to the fact that it was the roof, and she had a little alcove window seat with a clear glass pane taking up the whole wall side. There were long shelves along the vertical wall that held all her potion ingredients and books, and her bed was right beneath them, low to the ground. There was also a rather large jar on the table next to her wingback chair that held an incredible amount of buttons. Alicia's mother often asked her why she felt the need for all these buttons, but she never had a suitable answer. Apparently, claiming that one "enjoyed feeling like a crow" wasn't good enough.

Alicia leaned against the cool glass and groaned. She had already done all of the things she would consider doing, and she knew that if she asked her mother she would simply be made to go practice more spell jars. She already had enough spell jars; why did she need more? Next her mother would be having her memorize all of the herbs and their properties.

Perhaps one of her friends would be able to hang out. Sefira would be out for another day or two, but Maja might have time to chat. Alicia pulled out her phone to text Maja.

Got time to talk? am very bored

After a minute or two, Maja sent a text back.

yeah ill call you

Alicia's cellphone started to ring as Maja video called her. The girl's tawny skin appeared onscreen, her fluffy dark curls filling the frame. She would have looked completely normal, if not for unusually sharp teeth and predatory eyes.

"Afternoon, milady," Maja said jokingly. "How art thou on this fine summer's eve?"

Alicia snickered. "Terrible, thank you very much. The sky has no right to put out this much rain."

"Isn't that the sky's job? To put out rain?"

"It most certainly is not. Anyways, how's things in your coven? I heard there was a big meeting last night."

"Yeah, I thought you'd be there. It was for all three covens, you know."

"It was? Shoot. I thought it was only the wolves having a meetup. Did you see my mom there?"

"I don't think so, but there were a lot more people than usual and my nose got a bit screwed up from all those cheeses."

"Yeah, I don't know what Lady Snift is playing at. Who on earth needs that much cheese?"

Alicia Felkin and the Witch's WoodWhere stories live. Discover now