Getting Ready

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"Are you almost ready dear?" Narrcissa asks, "Yes mom" You say being annoyed that it was the 5th time she asked you that in the last 5 minutes. You are getting ready for your 1st year of Hogwarts, you were 17 but this had been your first time attending a real school since your father wanted to keep you home all these years. Your father had a lot of strange rules (No going out past 10,curfew was 9,room windows had to be shut at all times, could never stay home alone NO MATTER WHAT,had to have a bodyguard wherever I went even if it was across the street,and the most important and final rule NEVER EVER GO INTO THE OFFICE), but I  loved him with all my heart. "Ofc she's not ready she's a girl and they take forever to get ready" Draco says "1.SHUT UP YOU WHITE FERRET 2. Geez stereotype much not all girls are like that you dingo" you say, "HOW MANY TIME HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT" Draco snaps "well idc ima still call you it" you snap back. You two start fighting "STOP THE FIGHTING THIS INSTANT" you hear your dad yell as he was coming down stairs "oh hi dad" you say, "let "me guess your gonna get mad and yell at me but not at her cause she's daddy's princess right?" Dracos says as he rolls his eyes  "Draco SHUSH" your mom says "whatever mom" Draco says while rolling his eyes again, "Well now that fight is over how about we heard to the train I can't be late on my first day. "Ok ok coming" Draco says "daddy's princess" he mumbles under his breath as he is walking out the door, "I HEARD THAT YOU WHITE FERRET" you shout as you are running towards the car, as you get in your stomach gets butterflies. You can't wait to arrive at your new school.

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