A Christmas to Remember

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Story Created: 12/19/20

11:57 A.M. – Malibu University

It was another usual December day at Malibu University. All the spies had finished their term at Mali-U and were relaxing in the penthouse dorm. Mat was a little dejected because his flight to Hawaii was grounded due to the snowfall and mixed conditions.

Currently, Britney, Mat, and Alex were in the penthouse trying to keep warm.

"Geez, I'm still not used to this cold!" Mat chastised.

"I hear ya," Alex told Mat.

Alex definitely remembered when Mat told her that "only in Hawaii is a temperature under 70 considered 'cold' weather."

"Hopefully Sam and Clover are okay since they got called in for a shift at the café," Britney remarked.

They heard the automatic sliding doors open and saw Nick and Blaine just coming in from volleyball practice.

"Dude, I had no idea you can play like that!" Blaine exclaimed at Nick.

"All I can say is that Mali-U might've found a future star," Nick replied. "Who knows... maybe a dynamic duo?"

"Definitely sounds like an interesting idea," Blaine replied.

Upon seeing Nick back, Alex came to her boyfriend for Christmas greetings and joy.

"You even put the hat on," Nick laughed when he saw Alex wearing a Santa hat.

"It seemed appropriate," Alex giggled as she moved to kiss her boyfriend.

"Hey, guys," Mat spoke up. "You see Sam or Clover anywhere?"

"I think Clover was wrapping up," Nick answered. "Sam has another two hours to go."

"What's up?" Blaine asked Mat.

Mat motioned to the boys to come away to speak to them privately.

"Dude, what's with the secrecy?" Nick wondered.

"Well, you remember last year when we went to Hawaii for Christmas, eh?" Mat asked Nick.

"Yeah, we barely made it back in time for the girls' moms," Nick answered.

"I heard bits and pieces about that," Blaine replied. "That must've been pretty stressful."

"Dude, tell me about it," Mat told Blaine.

"What're you thinking we do this year?" Nick wondered.

"Well, we could do a karaoke and do a triple dedication to the girls," Mat suggested. "Well, quadruple if you count Britney."

"Oh, wow," Blaine remarked.

"Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions if either of you have any," Mat replied.

"Honestly, that sounds like a good idea to me," Nick responded.

"Yeah, I'm with Nick on that one," Blaine answered.

The boys were able to come to a complete decision just in time when Clover came in with Sam.

"Hey, boys," Sam greeted when Mat, Nick, and Blaine came into view.

"Hey, babe," Mat replied as she came for a Christmas hug and kiss.

Clover and Blaine did the same since this was their first Christmas together.

"Man, it's a wonderful Christmas-time, isn't it?" Alex laughed.

"It's nice to know that winter around here isn't actually too bad compared to some of the nonsense I had to endure back in Japan," Nick stated.

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