3. Fall Out Boy and Slurpies

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"Are you done yet?" Michael groaned imaptiently as him and I waited at the door while Jenna quickly packed the last of her things. I found it amusing how quickly two people could find a way to despise each other. Everything Jenna said bothered Michael and everything Michael did agrivated Jen, I wondered how long they could stand one another before ripping each other's throats out. 

One of the few downsides of going to 'New Orleans Academy for Exceptional Youth', or as Jen liked to call it School for Gifted Youngsters; referring to her favorite superhero saga: X-Men, was that upon arrival I was immediately put on some type of pedastool, and the professors and faculty felt they needed to be protective of me. Don't get me wrong, the attention I recieved the first couple of weeks was great and all but I didn't exactly sign up to be Miss Popularity. Needless to say I was constantly 'babied' by my teachers, they always asked if I was alright or if they need to repeat something or slow down so that I may catch up. Even Jen, who cared more about herself than anyone I'd ever met, occasionally took unnecessary interest in my well being.

Sneeking out of the school was not the hardest part, the hardest part was having to endure a full hour of Jenna being a backseat driver, yelling at Michael, who was beyond annoyed with the rather rude blonde behind him, and telling him which direction to go in and complaining that his van was "too damn hot, was your AC too hard to figure out." 

I ignored their constant battles for the most part, I was trapped in my own little mind. It seemed like forever since I'd been on a long drive outide of New Orleans and now here we were, setting off on an adventure. To tell you the truth I was excited, to see the guys, to see New York which was apparently the last place anyone saw Luke so Michael figured we'd meet up with the boys there and see where things go. I rested my head along the window, feeling Michael's eye glance over at me from time to time. He finally got so fed up with Jen and drowned her out with the radio.

Soon the car was filled with the sound of Fall Out Boy, more specifically their song Alone Together. I couldn't resist humming along to the catchy tune and neither could Jen. But we were both quite startled when Michael began to belt out the lyrics. "I dont know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul!" I looked to Jenna in confusion as he continued to recite the song blasting from the speakers until we both shrugged and joined him in the chorus. "Say yeah! Let's be alone together, we could stay young forever! Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs lungs."

As the song came to a close we burst out in a fit of laughter and applauded Michael for his excellent perforance to which he replied, "That's how it'ss done ladies." I rolled my eyes, ruffling his hair as the next song began to play and once again we were jamming out to it. 

The majority of the day was spent making a few stops, one at seven-eleven so we could get slurpee's and singing along to Michael's road trip playlist. It was the most fun I'd had ain a while and I had to admit that I was glad Jen came along, at least this time around I would have another girl with me. And it was nice to have someone beside me who understood what it was like to have these powers.

"Wow El, don't get all sentimental on me." Jenna commented, taking a sip from her cherry and bluberry infused slushie. It really bugged me when she went snooping on my personal thoughts, but that's just Jenna I suppose. This is where Michael decided to speak up, "So if your're clairvoyant, that means you're kinda like Professor X." Leave it to Mikey to make a comic refference. 

I could see the excitment light up Jen's face as soon as Michael just compared her to one of her favorite comic book characters of all time. It was actually quite adorable how much of a dork Jen was when she wasn't trying so hard to uphold her punk repytation, she'd actually be a lot more likeable if she just dropped the whole act.

"You did not just call me a fucking dork? You're the one who saw the Lego Movie five times!" She fired back at me. There she goes again, poking her nose in buisness. I only replied with silence as Michael stiffled a laugh at her response. She brushed me off and returned to Michael's question he'd previously asked. "Oh and I'm Clairvoyant, not telepathic. Big difference." Michael nodded in understandment and while I was ticked at Jen for now, it was good to see the two of them actually having a normal conversation.

As the sky grew darker and my eyelids heavier, the steady and familliar movement of the car slowly put me to sleep. But this time instead of stoping Michael kept on driving, despite how tired he truly was. I could see how determined he was to get back. I didn't blame him either, Ash, Calum, and Luke were his family, he must've felt so lost with out being with them for more than a day. Of all people I should know that no one deserves to feel alone.

A/N: Hey I'm so sorry this is like super late but i wanted to update real quick before i go to bed so excuse therrors for now i'll go back and fix them later but for now i hope you enjoyed this chapter  even though it was a little rushed (sorry bout that, pls dont hate me!) thanks for reading :))

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