A Big Sister

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Y/n pov


Y/n: is everything okay up there

Worker: yes we are almost done setting the lights up

what are we doing, Oh yeah we are going to hold a concert in 3 days so there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Ahri is at a meeting right now, Kai'sa and Akali is training so its only me and Evelynn.

Evelynn: why don't you come with me today then Y/n

Y/n: sure

We headed down to a clothing shop to get some attires, I didn't really know a lot about that stuff so I let Evelynn pick the attires. After going shopping after attires and accesories for some hours, we headed down to a cafe, because of my caffeine addiction I needed to get a coffee as well did Evelynn

Y/n: So, what is next

Evelynn: Um... We got the attires and accessories so I only need to go to a meeting and then I have a break and I need to do some more tings too

Y/n: sure then I am gonna join you if it is okay

After we were finished at the cafe, we headed to the meeting. It was a long meeting discussing new rules, money, bills, contracts, plans for the future and so on. after the meeting the went home. Evelynn headed upstairs into another room, YES we have a second floor. The room was a office with a desk and a pc and A LOT of paperwork

Y/n: what is all of this

Evelynn: paper work, I need to sign some contracts and decline some offers from other company's

Y/n: don't the managers do this?

Evelynn: yes they did, but because the new law the members needs to sign the contract and deals. I sign the contract behalf of the girls

Y/n: So you are the Big sister in the group

Evelynn: yes maybe

Y/n: hehehe i am gonna make this in 1 minute

I used Hyper speed to make everything in 1 minute and 39 seconds

Y/n: dang it i was to slow

Evelynn: wha.... did you do all the paper work

Y/n: yeah, and I used my own signature to sign it all

Evelynn: thank you so much Y/n

Y/n: no problem Eve, is it ok that I call you Eve?

Evelynn: it is not a problem Y/n

Y/n: Evelynn, you don't need to carry the burden on your shoulders alone I want to help you. SO don't be afraid of leaning on me

Evelynn: Y/n why are you so adorable

Y/n: Oh no are you going to kill me too?

i made some stab movements

Evelynn: ahaha very funny Y/n

Y/n: hihihi

We headed down to the kitchen and I began to cook some food. i made some rice balls and asked Evelynn if she wanted to try to make some

Y/n: wanna try making some rice balls?

Eve: sure

She got over to me and I quickly showed her how to make them, but it was a little hard for her because it wouldn't stick together. I walked behind her placing my hands on top of hers showing her how to make them

Y/n: you need to press them gently, not too hard

Eve nodded.

Y/n: and give it time to stick to each other and slowly form it into a triangle... Done!

Eve: Y/n can you show me one more time?

Y/n: sure

Y/n: sure

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(A/n: Hey guys, I wanna upload as much as I can until I get back to school. Sorry for the chapter not being perfect still tired as **** sorry.)

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