Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Dungeon for dummies (1)

Agatha's team has arrived at the Cardiff Airport in Wales after driving in the van. They have it parked within the airport before they went to line up and to take a last-minute impromptu flight that was available. Ophelia glance around and she noticed that she would just rarely see people or passengers who would book a flight or line up for the ticket. Their team has taken a flight from Cardiff to Edinburgh. It was quite costly too since it was January. For one person, it would cost £530. Since there were ten of them, it would cost £5300.

There is one that was currently available that was also take flight in 30 minutes. Later, after riding on the airplane, they have arrived in Edinburgh successfully. But one of their rangers Samson was feeling quite dizzy during the fight and their healer Natasha was trying her best to ease his airsickness.

" Until now you haven't still gotten used to the feeling of riding an airplane. Do you think that you can do it? Performing well inside the dungeon? "

Agatha muttered while frowning. Her gaze was concerned towards her team members. She was known to her reputation as a cold-hearted and vile bitch. But towards her team members who were with her for 3 years, she wasn't a cold-hearted and vile person that was from the rumors and was a part truth.

" I am offended that you dare to ask that beautiful captain! "

Samson said while faking a hurt expression on his face.

" I am D rank hunter remember? We aren't normal people! This beautiful body of mine and my face would recover fastly just before we made it to that dungeon! "

" How shameless.. "

Natasha muttered feeling embarrassed when Samson started to do various self narcissistic poses.

" I see, you are quite full of energy. Let's go, everyone. "

The other members quickly followed after their Leader. Samson broke out of his self-indulgent poses.

" Hey! Wait for me! "

He hurried after them pouting when he catch up. When they arrived within the outskirts of the airport they have waited for a bus that was going to their designated destination, Glasgow.

Glasgow was considered to be the largest city in Scotland. It was a port city and was famous for its Victorian Era structures, trading, and shipbuilding in past. It was quite a lucky city in Agatha's opinion. For the past five years, there wasn't much damage that happened to the city. There are only 3 dungeon breaks that happened here in the past. And all of them were within the ranks of E to D rank dungeons.

" This place is quite lively... "

Jonah muttered as he look at the boats that were drifting on the River Clyde. Ophelia nodded in agreement as she also stared at the people who were walking around the streets. There were a lot of structures within the city. For Ophelia and the others, there's a lot of people.

Sanson glance at Agatha who doesn't have any reaction while they stared at the people.

" Captain, it isn't your first time coming to this place? "

" Yes. I have been here in the past. "

" So how old are you back then? "

The other members also sent a curious look towards their captain.

" 7 years old. "

She answered casually while idly looking at her manicured nails. She was wondering if she should have idly painted them in red or was cute nail stickers were a better option. Then she remembered what they came here for and sent a serious look at her team members.

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