6. Bath.

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I used to love a bath.


I could
drift away
into my peaceful mind
knowing all was
okay outside of the bathroom
and everyone was doing well
and it was warm
and there was so much love out there. whilst I took time to relax.

It was a reward. Your own company for an hour or two. A date with your mind and memories.

I hate baths now.


I just
Lie there hoping it will all be over soon because time by myself is like fighting the same battle over and over and over again which I know one day ill inevitably lose and this bath will still be here with someone else in it with there warm life outside the door pondering on how great things are. The bath that I once loved the bath that I made plans in and washed my demons away in. And then my mind starts running wild and I stop using punctuation and wverythings sloppy...

It feels like im drifting out to sea and I cant swim anymore but I cant drown either. The waves teasing me at the idea of drowning because at least if I drowned I might be able to relive my memories again like they are real because that's what people say. That when its your time life passes before your eyes and what if you get reborn to live it all again but this time properly and I, I, can pay more attention and not be so annoying and not push people away and not have so many baths and so much me time. And maybe I could hold you more than I ever did and kiss you on your soft heartbreaking cheeks and look into your deep ocean eyes and drown in them again. And and listen to your beautiful angel like vocal chords as they produced sounds.

Maybe I could meet you again like its the first time but with the knowledge I have now.

Maybe I could walk away on that precious beautiful day so you dont have to ever get hurt because you deserve so much more than to feel down and upset.

Maybe I could stay in the bath on our precious day and just ponder and let you have the life you deserve.

Maybe I could keep my corrupted heart at home and never let it infect you.


I should get out the bath.

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