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well shit for fox sake this book used to have a fuxking long description and i don't really have the energy to write that shit down.

so if you remember and its okay if you dont ( silent cries ) this was my first ever put up! if you have never read, it's basically about a-supernatural-type-of-shit with werewolf, vampires, witches, yada yada yada...

you get the idea. so one of the member was a reaper, that was chaewon because for fox sake this was a hyewon book and i was crazy for them at the time.

( I'm still am but i just favor choewon or hyerim or even soulmate line too much these days )

the idea was that chaewon was this all mighty, deadly and long-lived reaper that has a demon resting inside of her. sounds nice.

aight im not gonna go on with plot so pls dont kill me lmao and this book was also rushed as i got a few problems back then.

stupid drafts and dead ideas ( i was insane edition )Where stories live. Discover now