Chapter 10

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Kamal's vote was especially shocking considering he was one of the main alliance, AND he had the advantage. It had to be rough for him to see that his own team voted against him when he went through the pain of cutting off his own hand to gain the extra vote. Even Raul, who was arguably the closest friend Kamal had on the island, voted against him. The others argued that it was another "quality of life" vote, but how many of those needed to happen before everyone focused on trying to win.

Taya and Addison kept their distance from Erin following the Juwon vote. They felt betrayed, and even though she attempted to explain herself, they didn't want to hear it. Byron felt stupid for voting with them in that moment as well that he rejoined the other in their alliance. While there should be 'alliances' in a game where people's livelihoods are on the line, that's exactly what had happened.

Taya and Addison's romance had continued to blossom, but there was still a part of Addison that wanted to know why Taya was there, but they had quickly established more of a "don't ask, don't tell" relationship.

"Food girls!" Al yelled as they both sat at the shoreline. He didn't talk to them much aside from telling them when to come eat, and they would just walk over, grab whatever fish had been caught for that meal, sometimes give a harsh glance over to Erin, and then go back to sitting on the sand to eat.

"Don't care to join us, I assume?" Sheamus laughed as they both grabbed a crab shell with some meat inside.

"It's alright," Al snarled, "They'll be next."

"Don't give away all of our secrets." Sheamus smiled, winking at them and shaking his head. Taya quickly turned on her heel and flicked some sand up into Al's face, but Addison noticed what she believed was a sign from Sheamus who motioned back toward the water trail.

Al jumped from his stump, but was quickly pulled back by Byron who was sitting beside him.

Taya and Addison went back over to where they had been sitting, and when Addison looked back, she saw Sheamus getting up and heading down the path.

"I need you to follow me," she said as Taya looked up at her.

"Where?" Before she could get an answer, Addison had calmly started walking toward the path. Taya got up slowly as to not attract any attention from the rest of the group and followed her.

Once under the cover of the trees, Addison pulled Taya aside, instructing her to stay hidden. Not having any time to ask questions, she did and watched as Addison made her way to where Sheamus was. The platform where Juwon had his arm crushed had returned, but this time it had a giant box on top of it.

"What's this?" Addison asked. Sheamus climbed up and took the lid off the box.

"This, little lass, is the next advantage challenge," he looked inside before quickly locking the lid back down on it, "And I need your help."

"Why should I believe you?"

"I haven't lied to you yet, have I?" She bit her lip in silence.

"Why me?"

He laughed, "Because you need help in this game. Plus I know that you want to win, and honestly, so do I."

"What do you mean?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I want to vote out who I think is the actual lone wolf," Sheamus stepped back before raising his voice, "Taya, you can come out too!" He smiled at Addison as an angry looking Taya made herself visible. "I knew you wouldn't come without your girlfriend."

"Who do you want to vote out?" Taya spat.

"Getting right to the point," he chuckled again, "I want to vote Byron."

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