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I'm on a beach. Or rather, an uninhibited island. The sand is soft and is just the right temperature, hot but not skin-scalding levels. 

The island is surrounded by the sea, and there is no other islands in sight as far as the eye can see. Beside me sits a young girl in school uniform. I don't know her name, but she looks and feels familiar. She looks like the most beautiful thing in the world; Beautiful long silky black hair that flows along from the top of her head to her waist, neatly cut bangs that frames her face well, a pair of big and beautiful eyes that felt like they stared directly into my soul, a figure that is both petite and well-proportioned, and most importantly, a smile that looks greater than all of mankind, that surpasses all of the wonders of the universe that's only meant for me to see. 

Who is she? Why does it feel like I've known her since forever, but yet I don't even have the slightest idea of who she is? The cute girl's still sitting there, beaming at me. It feels like there's nothing at all in the world but her right now, mainly due to the backdrop of a vast endless ocean that leads to nowhere. I want to speak, but I am unable to for some reason. All I am able to do is to sit put and admire her beauty. She gets up from where she is seated and playfully tapped her feet on the sand, inviting me to play with her. Every single thing about her is feminine, from her movement to her mannerisms. This girl would be able to capture the hearts of every single man on earth without a doubt. I want to get up and play in the sand with her, but i am unable to muster a single ounce of strength. What is wrong with my body? I lie down on the sand, staring directly into the sun. 

My eyes don't hurt for some reason, though.

Who is this cute girl? I continue to stare at the sky. Ah. The sky.

Sora.... Yes, Sora. That's her name, and she's my..

Consciousness slipped in and I am jolted from my sleep immediately. Ah, it's that vivid dream again...

A youthful Sora in our high school's uniform, frolicking around.. 

I let out a huge sigh and toss aside my blanket, and headed towards the toilet to freshen up. 

Sora is 23 years old, and she's my wife. We've been together ever since we were middle school kids. That youthful image of her, a Sora that could smile so brightly and move around so freely... It's something that I won't be able to ever see again in reality.

Oh, the sweet memories of the days long gone.. When she would chide me for not taking my studies seriously and force me to stay back with her in the library, how committed she was to her sports club, how we would play basketball together with our friends, and how our first date went, in the cinema watching a comedy flick..
All these youthful memories feel so surreal and
far-fetched, given the current situation..

Even just two years ago, the memories of when we first got married, our wedding, our honeymoon, the first time we tried for a baby together(to no avail), to the time when we pooled our money together to buy our dream house..
It's all just a dream now.

The current reality is that Sora has been afflicted by an unknown deadly disease said to be a DNA defect of hers, rendering her in a near-death state wbere she has to be permantly bed-ridden, straddled in a machine in our home that keeps her failing body alive. The disease's really cruel as it reverses improvement.. She was getting better recently over the 6 months of visit to the hospital, and she was finally able to live independent from the machine again..
And then everything just reverted to day 1 suddenly and Sora almost died.
The doctors deemed her condition incurable, and hence this set-up of medical machinery was put into our once lively home to house her body. Her recovery gave me hope again in life, hope that I would be able to spend my life with this beautiful girl again normally. And all that happened was that I had to be completely destroyed and crushed again for a second time..

Her condition's been continuing to get worse, to the point where she could no longer spend more than two hours a day awake, and her heart rate would fall to near-dangerous levels at night, where I had to desperately try to smack her awake to keep her alive at night.
The things I lost to this disease..
My dear wife Sora,
The cute pet dog that we adopted together had to be given away as I longer have time for him,
My job,
My friends and my social life,

The memories of when we were both able bodied and happily in love..
They're the only thing that allowed me to hold on to you for so long, Sora.
I can't let you suffer anymore.. Nor do I want to continue this nightmare..
The sweet girl that would always smile no matter how tough the situation, is no longer smiling.
The cute girl that always lent me her encouragement and cooked for me can no longer do so.
The determined girl who fought for my career choice when my parents rejected it is no longer able to speak with that amount of energy.
The studious girl who has an erotic side to her who rewarded me with sexual favours and let me do anything to her could no longer do these things with me.
The beautiful girl in her white wedding dress in arms with me is now in hospital clothes, and look malnourished and fragile.
The only girl in the world who loved me unconditionally and accepted all my deficiencies can no longer show me her love.
Sleep well..
My Sora.

I pulled the plug on her, tears following immediately.

I headed to the kitchen and grabbed the largest knife we had..
The one we picked together to do homecooking, but never got to use..

I walked back to where Sora is. Her pulse's no longer present, and she looks peaceful in death, with no signs of struggle at all on her face.
I drove the knife through my gut with full force.
My body fell limply to the ground, and the pain is excruciating.
But all I feel is bliss and release.

"See.. You in the afterlife, Sora.."

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