Part 1- The Beginning.

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Two months ago we were in space and everything was different up there. We weren't struggling as much as we are down here. Yea we had it rough up there the air quality was terrible and the food shortage was going down by the day. The management and power they thought they had up there by the council was astronomical. The anger they had, the power the had over us I'm glad we had no choice in coming down to earth.

"Bellamy do you mind giving me a hand"? Murphy asked. "sure with what". I need to gather some more fire wood and distribute it out to the people that need it. Bellamy wasn't much of a helper he was more of a leader then anything but I loved helping people I still do I'm the leader of the skaikru is our name. There are many clans we don't associate ourselves with most of them.

We try not too associate ourselves mostly because they cannot be trusted and what they did to the love of my life fin. He was my everything my lover, my bestfriend and the one I could trust. He died about a month ago due to the grounders clan beating him to death for something he did not do. They excused him of stealing which I know he didn't do because he was always with me. Anyway enough of that I'm always going to love him. He's buried by the Ozark creek that runs through the woods about a mile away from our village.

Okay everyone gather around I shouted. Octavia and Bellamy and the rest of the crew gathered while I was getting ready to speak. " What is this bullshit about now?" Murphy yelled. "Dude shut the fuck up" Bellamy blurted while standing next too me. I just laughed and shrugged it off. Okay listen everyone we are having a feast later on with ice nation about our territory and where we stand. I need everyone to go gather supplies. Octavia Bellamy's sister by the way was hardly paying any attention, "hey Octavia wanna go gather berry's? "Sure" she replied with a slight attitude. She was one of my best friends I had on earth and in space.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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