~ Chapter 4- A Crystal Heart ~

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~Lyon POV~

"This is so good!!" Erza said. She was on her third strawberry cake. But I've barely touched mine. I just keep thinking back to when she zoned out. Then someone touched my hand. "Hey Lyon are you okay you've barely touched you're cake." Said Hatter. "Yeah I was just wondering about when you zoned out earlier. What were you thinking about?" I asked and Erza stopped eating her cake and Hatter looked at Rabbit with a help me look. Then Grey said. "What kind of question is that Lyon what go's on in her mind is hers and hers only." "No it's fine. Umm.. Just thinking back to when I came to Wonderland and how I got my name." "How old where you when you got here." Asked Juvia. "Well six. And I'm nineteen now so I came here about thirteen years ago." "And she found me when she was ten." Said Gemini. "And now we're best friends." She said and touched her hand. "So what's your real name?" Asked Levi.

~ The Mad Hatter POV ~

"So what's your real name?" Asked Levi. And tears slide down my face and Rabbit came and sat on my lap while I cry. "Well...."

"Karmin you bitch, you worthless slut." My dad shouted and grabbed my hair and through me into the wall. "Your the reason your mothers dead if you had watched where you were going, but no you let her get hit by that bus." That was it and I ran out the door and kept running until I fell down the hole.

"Oh my gosh." Said Erza and she came over and huged me. And for some reason i huged her back. And I sat their crying into her shoulder. "Wait are you Karmin Olivia St. Crystal the aire to the Crystal Kingdom who when missing two month's after her mother died?" Asked Natsu. "Yep that's me. But I don't think I'd call it missing. More like freedom." "I just see how someone can do that their own kid." Said Lyon then he got up took my hand and I stood up and he wraped his arms around me and at first I didn't do anything because I was to shocked but then I huged him back. I could have stayed like that forever but then Natsu said. "He liiiiiiiiiiiiiikes her." "Shut up flame breath." He said. "Any way I take it you all want to get home. Well there's only one way you see when you come through the door it disappears so you have to go through the other door on the other side of the kingdom but to do that you have to go through the Queen's Castle and the castle is a three day walk." "Oh. So can you take us there." Asked Juvia. "Yeah I think I can." I said. "But it's getting dark so you can stay at my house for the night and we'll leave a 7:00 tomorrow morning." Then I turned to see that Lyons arm was around my waist. I blushed. "Okay let's go." Said Gajeel. "Yeah one more thing I only have six room's so you'll have to bunk up with someone." I said. "Well I crawl in bed with Lucy anyway so we can bunk up." And Lyon saw his chance for revenge and took it. "You liiiiiiiiiiike her." Everyone laughed. "I'll bunk up with shrimp." Said Gajeel with a hint of pink in his cheeks, but Levi was red. "Me and Juvia will bunk together." Grey said calmly. "And me and Jellal can bunk up together." Erza sad and Jellal was as red as her hair. "That means Lyon your with Hatter." Grey said and I smiled at Grey thankful that he didn't use my real name.

*ten minutes later*

"Okay fined a room and get settled. See you tomorrow guys." I said and went up Stairs and Lyon followed me once we got I'm my room I shut and locked the door. "Hey can you unzip this for me?" He did and I took off the dress and boots and put them on the dresser along with my hat and fishnets so all I had on was a black strapless bra and black panties. Then I want to me closet and got a light pink satin nightgown and put it on and cralwed in bed. then Lyon took everything off but his under where and crawled in bed and pulled me close and I curled up to him and he wisperd. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise." And I think melted into his arms. "I know." I said. "Goodnight Karmin.". "Goodnight Lyon." And I fell asleep.


A/N: that's all for now bye

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