Chapitre 1 : a weird party

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    Zak opened his eyes to the bare ceiling, the room he lived in was getting colder with the winds of autumn engulfing the room, he groggily woke from his sweet slumber. Today was October 30th, Halloween. A couple of friends had invited him over for a party, and like a fool he had accepted. He swore to himself, waking up at 3 pm was already hard, why did he accept their proposition?! The brunette sat up slowly, not motivated by this party at all. His mind went directly to the fact that he did not have a date at all and all his friends would be hooking up. But just for today he would put up a good front. After all, Halloween is just a onetime thing every year.

"Alright... let's do this!" He motivated himself to get up, looking at his clothes "I didn't plan an outfit. Just great I'm going to look like a fool." he sighed already tired of it.

Zak took out a button up shirt he had forgotten he had. Black jeans with holes in them and a tie, he went in the shower letting the water drop on his body, it felt refreshing. After his short wash, he put on his chosen outfit before looking himself up and down in the mirror, he smirked at himself, his good look would never fail him! The phone rang onto his coffee table, Zak picked up, the voice of his friend coming out of the small device.

"Hey idot! We're here to pick you up, hurry your buttock downstairs now!" best friend goal right there. Zak sighed and hanged up not even bothering to answer. The brunette took his keys and wallet, put on his blue hoodie over his suit. He headed downstairs making sure to lock his door, seeing the car of his best friend in the hallway he walked inside the back seat, the girlfriend of his friend started "soooo, found any cute girrrrl?" she said in an sickeningly sweet voice. Zak felt disgusted by her, she seemed nice at the first meeting but she turned out really bitchy. But his friend still loved her, nothing could be done now. He ignored her looking out the window, his worry started elevating as the car drove by the usual hangout place. "Hey, where are we going?" he asked his voice cracking a bit, his friend took it upon himself to explain this wasn't the usual party "surprise! Since you never go out today we're going to an abandoned house, a bit like your love life" he laughed and usually Zak would too but something in his gut warned him that it was not such a great idea. He however held out from saying anything at all and kept looking his gaze falling onto a cryptid house, it was falling apart, broken down and quite gloomy.

The trio walked into the house, the brunette cringed at the sheer amount of dust that was piled on each and every inch of the house. The couple hurried towards the rest of the group inviting Zak in the circle. He hesitantly sat onto a dusty and worn out couch. The seeming leader of the group smiled and started speaking to everyone "Alright now that everyone is here let's start this shit!" and with excitement everyone yelled out. The leader started again "so we going to start with truth of dare!" and just like that a common truth or dare started. A few truth passed being booed by the audience, and the dare where cheered upon. It went on for about forty minutes before Zak got asked the question "dare" he said now confident and a bit drunk to be honest. The people cheered as the blonde girlfriend giggled saying "Go to the basement for at least thirty minutes!" they all laughed, and Zak not understanding the clear exiling he was going through, accepted it and walked down the creepy stairway, followed by the laughs of his friend the girlfriend, she locked the door behind him, finding it hilarious.

He was left alone in the dark and cold moisty room. He held his head as a headache started to spring in his mind. Walking in the blackness Zak accidently knocked down a black salt container, it dripped down onto the ground finishing an incomplete summoning circle. The candles sprang back to life burning harder than ever. Lighting up a pentagram, Zak was standing right in the middle of it, the salt container at his feet, lights came from the borders, he fell backwards, onto the cold hard ground as the shadow bundled up into a dark figure. White glowing eyes opening and staring at the boy.

"You have summon thee, state your wish and the price you will pay." It was t-posing in the air, like a nerrrrd. Zak eyes widened at the new appearance, he was feeling impressed until the demon fell face first on the ground trying to take a step onto the solid ground "h-hi? Are you a demon" Zak stated the obvious, but the said entity smiled looking up with a bruised forehead, "yeah I am! You can call me Bad!" the entity seemed quite friendly and not at all freighting anymore, and it might have been the alcohol coming into play, but he actually felt comfortable as he sat on the dusty ground, not minding the whole ritual thing. He smiled back and waved "hi I'm Zak!" he chuckled as the demon struggled to sit up, scratching his head with a light giggle "so? Why did you summon me? What's your wish?" he felt tipsy as he answered "I... I want a boyfriend." Zak quietly mumbled sadly, but the horned demon still smiled and sweetly said "your wish is my command." And with this, Zak fell asleep, the demon caught him, sweetly pecking him on the head "I don't know how this works but if your sell your soul for it, I'll be the best boyfriend you can wish for." And with those words the candles blew out leaving the two boy in the darkness of the basement. With only the sound of the laugh coming from upstairs, slowly fading with the hours passing.

"I will be the best thing that ever happened to you Zak." Bad said in a sickly sweet voice. red string lacing their fingers together, he smiled his face shifting from a shadowy figure to a human boy with green sparkling eyes and glasses, of course he knew little to nothing about love or boyfriend or even humans, but the book he had read had taught him enough... well so he thought. After all reading about nehendertal and middle age people, was not the best source of information, but he could manage! Well he hoped at least.

The morning loomed over the two boys in an embrace, 'bad' not letting go of his contractor, who slowly opened his eyes a headache filling his whole head. He looked up at the hooded boy looking at him, he jumped up realizing his head was resting on the randos knees "w-who are you?!" Zak blurted out. And the demon with a sweet smile looked at Zak and said "I'm bad! The demon you contracted! You sold your soul to me" and just like that the memories from yesterday flooded the brunettes head, but he could not remember for the love of the all mighty what happened after the summoning. "wh-what do you mean I sold my soul?! I don't have any recalling of that! What the fuck do you fucking mean!!" he held onto the guy with the glasses, strangely accepting the existence of demons quite easily "LANGUAGE!" the demon yelled before sighing and adding "you asked for a boyfriend, and I obliged, he held his hand up a thin red thread appearing, linking their fingers together. Zak was baffled, d-did he really- do that?! This had to be a fucking nightmare. Zak slapped himself hard the tingling pain in his cheek proved him wrong and the dark halo around the demon also told him otherwise.

"This is a joke. You're lying! I don't want that! GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" tears started forming in the corner of his eyes, this couldn't be happening. This had to be a joke. But again the creature before him spoke "I look human don't I? I've studied a lot!" he was getting distracted by his new appearance before adding "oh and we're linked so until you fufill happiness I can't leave and once you die I'll come collect your soul!" the explanation did not help the struggling boy who was currently battling against the thread in hope to sever it. It was in vain of course as the thread of destiny was not that easy to break.

"I look forward to eternity with you Zak!" Bad chuckled holding out a hand


THERE WE GO BOIS FIRST CHAPTER LETS GOOOO I hope you liked it and see you in like 2 month again lmao, please motivate me.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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