Platform 9 3/4

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I woke up to the sound of Ron yell because he can't find his robes. " Good morning, I didn't mean to wake you up, I was just trying to pack for Hogwarts," He said frantically looking around his room. I pull the blank it off of me and walk over to Ron's dress. " Here let me help." Ron looked at me with a thankful look. 

Later that day 

" Ron," I said. He looked at me with a playful look. " What it was funny." I looked at him the slapped his arm. We walked onto the platform to see a red train and families were saying goodbye. The first years looked excited and nervous. The second-year looked just as excited. I drop my trunk to take in the sight like I do every year. People chattering, laughing, and giggling. It made me remember how much Hogwarts meant to me.

"Oh be careful my dear," Molly said as she hugged me goodbye. Molly left the platform leaving us standing there. " Athena you have been going to Hogwarts for 6 years and you still can't tie your tie right," Ron said walking up to me. He untied it, then redid it to his liking. I looked at him with eyes of passion and then snapped out of it " I'm surprised you even  touched it being a Slytherin tie and all." Ron looked at me then rolled his eyes. We started waking and suddenly I got pulled away from the group. 

I turn around to see who it is. The feeling of rage takes over my body. " Can we talk," he said as his grey eye rip through my soul. I looked at him with tears in my eyes " We have nothing to talk about Malfoy."  He saw my tears then wiped them away. I missed his touch but he was the one that left you, Athena, snap out of it. " Don't touch me you lost that right 4 months ago." Draco had a slight frown and pulled his hand away " please can we talk you are the only one who understands me," he said as his tone got softer almost helpless. " You should have thought about that before you decide to rip my heart into a million piece, Before you decide that I wasn't enough, Before you kicked me out, Before you the choice to be alone and not let me help you, Draco you told me you didn't love me how do you want me to feel, I am not just going to run back into your arms because your life is falling apart, You put me through hell," I said with more tears running down my face. He looked at me almost falling apart but keeping his cool " I did love you, I do love you, Athena. I looked up and rolled my eyes " Will that's not enough Draco you know that." 

I walked away. I couldn't take it. Looking at him god I hate him so much. I got on the train and found Harry and Hermonie. "Where's Ron?" I asked as I sat down. Hermione looked up from her book " Oh he is changing into his rodes." I nodded. Blaise and Draco passed by our compartment.  Draco looked at me and kept walk. Harry scoffed he always hated Malfoy. I didn't blame him Malfoy was a git 

Ron came back and we had a great time on the train laughing and talking about the summers we had. The train stopped and we all grabbed our trunks. I walked off the train first. The air was fresh and light on how it has always been. Autumn was setting in. I love Hogwarts at this time of year. Harry followed shortly behind me soon we all were walking over to the carriages.  The therstrals looking like they always do. I have always have been able to see them. I lost my older brother when I was 8. I saw him slow stop breathing. It scared me.

We made it to Hogwarts the great hall looked amazing as it always did dinner was mostly blurred. I walked back to the Slytherin common room. A lot of the first year need help to get in. " Okay so the password is Pureblood, Okay tell the portate the password.' I said to a first-year when the door opens his face lit up with a smile. I heard Draco whisper to Blasie" God I love how kind she is I miss her so much I why did I have to be dumb and let her go." I let out a laugh as I walked into the common room. I turn around and give Blaise a hug and tell him I am going to bed.

My dorm was quiet Like always. I didn't have to share but right now I wish I did. All I could think about is how I wanted to be held so bad but I can't just walk up to Draco and ask him to hold me. What about Ron I can't just give that up and going back to Draco would mean I would have to.

Sorry I have not been posting

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Have a great day and thank you 

The cherry on top -Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now