Out of the Blue

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Jaskier's phone buzzed incessantly in his pocket. He hoped that it wasn't important, but it would have to wait—he was about to begin his first performance for the day.

He approached the large group of tourists who stood talking amongst themselves outside the entrance of Camden Town Underground Station. Clearing his throat, he plastered a big smile to his face and began the speech that he knew so well now that he could recite it in his sleep.

"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the Camden Market and Music Legends Walking Tour. My name is Jaskier and I will be your guide on this beautiful, chilly day."

The crowd of tourists fell silent and shuffled towards Jaskier like zombies, probably stiff from waiting in the cold for the tour to begin. Pointing up the street towards the multicoloured shop fronts that Camden was famous for, he continued his little speech.

"Today, we will journey through time, and learn how iconic British talents like Amy Winehouse, The Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, and the Rolling Stones transformed Camden Town into the rock and roll capital of the world!" he declared. "We'll be visiting the beating heart of the city, where you'll get to enjoy performances from live musicians and sample delicious food from across the world! And don't you worry, there will be plenty of time to look around the stalls for a spot of shopping. Now, are you ready?"

The tourists mumbled somewhat unenthusiastically that they were, then one of the tourists, a round-faced gentleman with a Union Jack cap on, raised his hand. Jaskier turned his attention to him. "Yes sir, you have a question?"

The man lowered his hand and asked in a thick Californian accent, "Will we be visiting Abbey Road today?"

"I'm afraid not," said Jaskier with a sunny disposition that he didn't feel. "Today's tour will be centred around the Camden area."

"Why not?" the tourist pouted.

"Because Abbey road is at least an hour's walk in the opposite direction," he explained. "You're welcome to visit it yourself after this tour has concluded. Any more questions? Yes, Ma'am? Do you have a question about today's tour?"

Another tourist had raised her hand and she asked, "Is there a McDonald's around here?"

Jaskier's smile faltered. "Uh, yes. There's one about two or three minutes walk up the road there."

The woman turned and left without so much as a thank you to Jaskier, heading in the direction of the fast food restaurant. Jaskier sighed. Today was going to be a long day. "Any more questions? Nope? Alright then, onward towards Camden Town!"

The tour was wholly unremarkable: tourists asked their usual questions (where were the public toilets? How far away was London Zoo from here?) and he managed not to lose any of them in the bustling markets, which made a nice change. Still, the two hours dragged by and once the tour was concluded, he waved them off after leading them to the nearest underground station—but not before asking them for positive reviews on Tripadvisor.

With an hour's break before the next tour began, he made his way through North Yard towards Rudy's Dirty Vegan Diner. Triss was standing at the stall, her chestnut hair tucked into a hairnet as she served a long line of customers. Jaskier joined the queue and when it was finally his turn to order Triss's whole demeanour changed when she caught sight of him, transforming from a stroppy, bored salesperson to her usual self with a big smile.

"Alright love!" she cried. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm touring the markets today and I've got a bit of time before my next one," he explained. "I was wondering if you fancied joining me for lunch?"

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