You will always be missed-Steve Clark

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*based in the year 2019 as this year you can't go anywhere.

Over the years you started to discover new music like guns n roses, Bon jovi, Mötley Crüe and now Def Leppard. You were having an obsession with def Leppard at the moment and wanted to do some research. While doing so you found out that there drummer has one arm, instead of Phil there used to be Pete wills (think that's how you spell it) and also that they were British. But then you saw it your most favourite band member Steve Clark was dead he died on January 8th 1991. You found out we're his grave was (Sheffield Westwood cemetery,Loxley). Over the months you started to feel connected to Steve but you didn't know how because he wasn't alive so how could you feel connected. When it got to September time you made the decision to go visit his grave. On your way there you brought some flowers to put on his grave also some water and a sponge incase you need to clean his grave stone. After a long drive you finally got to Wisewood Cemetery. After you had parked the car you started your walk down the shingle covered walkway till you found his grave. The pull in your heart got harder to resist as you got closer. Also the lump in your throat getting bigger as your tried to hold back the tears. When you found it your couldn't hold back anymore you sat hunched over the stone crying this wasn't the type of crying you wanted anyone to see because it was the ugly sort of crying. Once you had calmed down a bit you started to clean the grave and put your flowers there. Then without you realising the sky clouded over and it felt like a storm would start but yet you felt safe. You felt a présents of someone behind you so you turned around and there he was Steve Clark standing there with his arms open you ran into them and hugged him not wanting him to leave you. "There,there love don't cry" " I just want to say you are missed by many people and your music is amazing" " thank you love but I will have to go but whenever you need me just call ok?" "Ok" "bye darling" " goodbye Steve"

Hope you are all ok
I may of cried while writing this I'm so sad that I never got to see Steve live before he died😭
Hope you have/had a great dayyyy
Ray of sunshine/popcorn

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