Mother Fuckin' Taco Tuesday

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It was a taco Tuesday when an old hag wanted to make spaghetti.

Her cat was like "Bitch what! It's fucking taco Tuesday! Not spaghetti Tuesday!" But the old fucking witch didn't care because. Because it was motherfucking spaghetti. "Fuck your rules, mofo" the witch replied, as she dropped shit into her bigass cauldron. Witch didn't care. Witch gave no shits. She stirred and stirred her cauldron. "The fuck are you on" her cat demanded, being the little fucking bitch he was. "I'm on some dumbbb shhhiiit" she replied high asf. "Fuck you and yo shit" he growled. Fuck you, cat. The cat died and she threw him into the cauldron. "Punk ass bitch" she smiled as she stirred. She started singing, and as she was singing she choked on the horrible smell. A meatball popped out an hr later. "Fuck you" it whispered, though it had no fucking face. The meatball rolled on the witch's dead body and ate her. "Should've made tacos.." It whispered and rolled out of the house. "Yolo.." She whispered with her final breath, then she joined her cat in hell. The meatball was destroying every thing in it's way.

It was getting bigger and bigger with everything it ate. "Fuck yo shit nigga" it screamed as it rolled through all the shit, killing thousands of innocent people. It ate everything in the world. And it had nothing to eat or destroy.

So it swallowed the earth. "See the ball feel the ball be the ball" The meatball had become one with the earth. Earth was now a big, meaty mass of meat, cat hair, and garbage.

 -The end-

(A/N) Okay so my Kik friend and I were bored..and this happend...

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