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The night was a canvas, painted with a thousand shades of darkness. It was a symphony of silence, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustle of leaves in the wind. But for one girl, this was not a lullaby. She had just finished her studies for her upcoming examination, but her hunger had arrived like a storm. She stood up and reached for her oversized hoodie, for the wind outside was fierce.

Ever since her mother's untimely death in a car accident and her father's sudden disappearance, she had been living alone. She wore her blank face as she left her house, heading to the nearby convenience store.

"Welcome!" the cashier greeted her with a bow. The girl returned the gesture, but her face remained as expressionless as a statue. She picked up some ramen, cola, and an onigiri before heading to an available kiosk near the shrine.

As she ate her precious onigiri, her mind wandered to memories of her childhood. She remembered playing Kokkuri-san, a game where they summoned a fox ghost to answer their questions by moving a coin while their index fingers touched it.

It was a game of superstition and belief, but now she saw it as a metaphor for life. Just like Kokkuri-san, life could be unpredictable and mysterious, revealing answers only when you least expect it.

The night was like a garden of shadows, where every step could lead to an unknown path. But she knew that she had to keep moving forward, just like how she had moved forward after losing both her parents.

She finished her meal and left the shrine, ready to face whatever the night had in store for her. For this girl, every night was an adventure, and every day was a new challenge. She walked into the darkness with a sense of hope and determination, knowing that whatever lay ahead would be worth facing if it meant moving closer to her dreams.

Koharu remembered that she still has the board that could summon the fox spirit. "Should I play this thing again?" she asked herself. "Is it a game, for children or even teenagers? Or, is it only a form of necromancy?"

The truth will remain unclear.

Whispering softly, she gazed upon the sacred shrine where she once played as a child. "Not until you try it," she murmured, her eyes fixed on the place that held a mysterious allure.

The chilly night breeze brushed against her delicate skin, sending shivers down her spine. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, a labyrinthine maze she couldn't seem to escape. She yearned to test the game, to uncover its secrets and prove to herself that it was nothing more than a frivolous pastime.

But what if it was more than just a game? What if it held a deeper meaning, a hidden truth waiting to be uncovered? The thought sent shivers down her spine, as if she were standing at the threshold of an enigma, waiting for the key to unlock its secrets.

It was like standing at the edge of an endless ocean, staring out into the unknown depths, wondering what mysteries lay hidden beneath the surface. The game was a riddle, a puzzle waiting to be solved, and she was determined to unravel its secrets.

As she approached the game with trepidation, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden in plain sight, waiting for someone brave enough to uncover them. The game was a metaphor for life itself, a journey filled with twists and turns, waiting for someone bold enough to embark upon it.

She took a deep breath and plunged into the game, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. It was like diving into an unknown world, filled with danger and excitement, but also with the promise of discovery and enlightenment.

After all—nothing's wrong with trying this silly game, right?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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