Chapter 42. Advice from Uncle Sev ☾

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A/N: Hii guys a new chapter is up for you all...and as always I don't own anything except the plot cuz i'm not J.K.❤

Harry and Draco soon found themselves back at Hogwarts. They rode the train with Luna, Hermione, and Dragon. They spent the train ride explaining to Luna what happened this upcoming year. She gasped and groaned in sync with the story, much to Harry's delight.

They arrived and the sorting feast occurred as usual. They were told of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, which Harry completely ignored. He did not for a moment believe Dumbledore's promises that no one under the age of seventeen could enter the tournament. He knew that was a lie.

Harry's heart did skip a beat or two when Moody came crashing in. He did not want to admit how much knowing the man was Barty Crouch Junior affected him. It just did. He wanted to think anyone in his situation would feel the same way, but that did not make any of it better.

That night, he lent Draco his invisibility cloak. Draco promised to have it back before long. Harry shrugged.

"Take it for as long as you need it, Dragon. I'm going to bed. I won't have need of it anytime soon." Harry promised. Draco smirked. Dragon whined and snuffed at the cloak.

"You want to come, too?" Draco offered to Dragon. The dog nodded its head. He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He made room under the cloak for the dog. Soon, the two of them were off.

Severus knew he heard a knock at his door. However, when he opened the door, he found no one there. He knew he was not going crazy. Something must be going on.

"Black, if this is a trick, I am not amused." He stated. Suddenly, feet appeared as Sirius turned back into a man and the cloak lifted off the younger boy. He pulled off the cloak.

"I'm not that bad." He stated, stepping into the dark man's rooms. Severus let his godson in and closed the door.

"Yes, Black, come on in. You're always welcome here, in my private quarters." Severus drawled sarcastically. Black took a seat on the couch.

"Why thank you, Severus. However, I do believe we are here concerning your godson, and not as a social visit." Sirius teased. Severus rolled his eyes.

"What is it, Dragon?" Severus inquired gently. Sirius huffed.

"I told you, Severus, I'm not the one you need to talk to." Severus and Draco glared. "Oh, not me. Got it. We really should have thought of a different name, specifically one that is not a pet name for your godson."

"Draco, what do you need?" Severus restated. Draco smirked.

"I know Father was one of the one's who attacked those muggles at the Cup." Draco told his godfather.

"Was it that obvious?" Severus teased. Draco snorted.

"I just don't know what to do, Uncle Sev. I don't agree with what he did. I don't agree with his ideals. I...I love a muggleborn, Uncle Sev. I mean, really love her, and I even think she might like me. I even think I might want to marry her someday." Severus quirked an eyebrow at that. Why was a fourteen-year-old considering marriage? "How can I bring her home to Mother and Father? How could I tell them I don't want to marry a rotten, pureblood wench? They'd kill her, Uncle Sev." Draco was near tears, his throat closing up. Severus rubbed his back.

"Dragon," Severus glared at Sirius to remain silent. "You have plenty of time to think those things through. You are fourteen. Things may change..."

"But you know they won't. I know the Dark Lord is returning, Uncle Sev. I also know Father wants to hand me over to the man, if need be. I don't want to be his slave, Uncle Sev. I want to be free. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I do, I want to do so because I was protecting the truth. I want to fight for the oppressed, not the oppressor." Draco did not mention this meant also going against Dumbledore. He did not mention the third side slowly being created. He would wait for later to tell the man all that.

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