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i am a tin man who
walks the woods alone
too tiny for a path so long
till i see no clearing at the end
but a crooked toy shop where they trapped her
the one where i was manufactured so roughly
that i can barely stand up
if you made me little i will be littler
and sneak into the shop
scout every nook and crook i noticed since birth
tinkle the bells to soothe my child
then climb up the shelves in pin drop silence
with a broken leg and anger in my soul
toss her favourite bone into
the box she is enslaved in
whisper i will come back for you
i will find a way
and somersault out of the box
to slip out of the window
in the quiet of the night
my heart crushing
from her helpless whimpers
for i am too little
they made me too little

~ i will collect all the branches
in these woods to build myself
till i am big enough to be with you

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