Chapter 3

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Fred placed his hand on Hermione's shoulder and felt as it lightly touched her skin, he felt a jolt of electricity that she must have felt too because she jumped backwards. Then they stared at each other, it may have just been a second for anyone watching but too Fred it felt like a million years. Just then he heard a voice shouting up the stairs. "Mione, you can still come down to my room you know". It was Theo, Fred took another long second to look at Hermione as the tears brimming in her eyes began to fall. She turned around before he could say anything and ran down the stairs. What had he said, he hadn't said anything that everybody didn't already know so what was the problem. He sighed, putting his hand to his forehead and sat down on the edge of Hermione's bed. When had things become so weird between the both of them, they couldn't even have a conversation anymore without someone crying or running out of the room. What had changed so drastically that this was now the way things had to be.

Fred rolled back onto the bed and his face fell into the cushions. He sat bolt upright as he realized what he had fallen on, Hermione pyjamas. He felt weird now, being in here, looking at her things. He got off the bed and walked towards the door of their shared bathroom. As he was about to turn the handle he felt his heart leap. It was the same smell, vanilla, books and toothpaste. The same smell he vaguely remembered from the night in the common room, the same smell from the potions classroom when they had been it couldn't be. He was being stupid, the explosions fumes were messing with his brain, with his sense of smell. Many people smelled like vanilla, freshly pressed books and toothpaste, those were all common scents. In fact he was pretty sure that his mother had a candle at home that was that exact scent. Yes that's right there was no way that it could be. He had not smelled Hermione Granger in his amortentia potion.

Hermione made her way down the stairs, wiping her eyes as she went. What was wrong with her, why was she crying. When had things become so odd between the two of them, they couldn't even have a conversation without her ending it in tears. What had happened to change their relationship so drastically. Theo was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting. She may have been good at shielding her emotions but she was also amazing at detecting others feelings. "Mione, what happened" she said, instantly taking her hands and guiding her into her and Ginnys room. "Oh Mione you're not upset about the sleeping arrangments, I'm sorry I'll talk to Sirius about moving some of this stuff to make room for another mattress" Theo said, sitting Hermione down on the bed. Hermione just looked at her, her tear stained face had gone red. "How are you doing it Theo, how are you not a mess, broken". At this Theo instantly stood up, frozen in place staring down at Hermione with a stare that would freeze the blood of the wickedist wizard. "I don't want to talk about that" she said, turning her back and walking over to the window where there was a bunch of play horses. She busied herself tidying them up, placing them in different positions.

Hermione stood and Ginny tried to get her to sit again but she wasn't having it. "No, you're not running from this anymore. What happened at the end of school is going to come up, we are going to have to..." Hermione was cut off by Theo whipping around. "We do not have to do anything Hermione, it's me, I have to deal with it, alone. Like I always have I will deal with it by myself and I don't need little miss perfect to tell me how to deal with my losses. Especially when you haven't lost anything in your life" Theo hissed in Hermione's face. Hermione was in shock and so was Ginny as she didn't intervene but instead sat back and looked between Theo and Hermione. "You are not alone Theo" Hermione whispered, the tears were gone, she felt a courage wash over her and she was not angry with Theo. She was happy, Theo was showing some kind of emotion other than happiness, she was angry, she wasn't over it, Fred was wrong. "You have an entire family here, downstairs you have a woman who is worried about you, whose heart is breaking because she notices you ignoring her, shutting her out. We are in this together Theo, because when one of us hurts all of us do. Please...just let us help you". Hermione now took Theo's hands and looked her in the eyes.

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