Fresh New Boy

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Harry put on his shades and brushed his hair with his fingers, pushing it backwards so he could place a hat on top of his head. He was wearing a black hoodie, with a black t-shirt underneath and black skinny jeans. He really didn't feel like calling attention with his expensive looking clothes. He saw a blond boy with short hair, wearing jeans and a white t-shirt approaching the entrance gate, with a clipboard on his hand.

Harry was standing behind the van, trying to be unseen. He couldn't afford causing problems and having Simon firing him. Harry looked on both sides of the street and once no car was passing by, he crossed the street, holding the brown envelope under his grip and entered the school gates not looking back. "Harry Styles?" he stopped on his track and turned around swiftly.

"Who's asking?" He questioned the blond boy standing in front of him. Taylor eyed him down, not having patience to deal with his bullshit right now. She was forced to be his tour guide in the school and now he was acting groody and trying to be funny. Taylor knew this day was going to suck.

"I am. My name is Taylor Swift and I'm going to show you around the school and be your support this whole week." Harry took a few steps back when he heard Taylor speak. He feels mind blown. It was impossible that this boy is actually a girl. He was thinking about the majority of girls back in the UK and how they actually dress like girls and not boys.

"You're a girl? What a messed up world hein?" He questioned her and Taylor rolled her eyes and smacked the clipboard on her hand on Harry's arm. People always confused her gender and she has never been bothered by it. But when Harry asked her that, she felt extremely offended. Helping Harry throughout the week is going to be a nightmare.

"Yes. And you are Harry Styles, a boy a presume?" Taylor snapped at him and Harry took a step towards her. His eyes were at the same level as her. Harry was usually a little bit taller than the girls he has been with, but Taylor was just as tall as him and that made him intrigued and scared at the same time.

"Completely." He responded and Taylor walked past him, brushing her shoulder against him and Harry followed behind her, with a smug on his face. Taylor led him to the main office and stopped at the secretary's room and grabbed the envelope from Harry's hands. "Don't you know how to ask?"

"Whatever. Janice these are Harry's documents. I will take him to his classes, so could you please give me his schedule?" Taylor asked and Janice received the envelope and placed it in a locked drawer. She typed on her computer to find Harry's schedule.

"No need. You two have the same classes actually, so he can follow you all week. I'm gonna print the schedule, please wait here." Janice explained while going into the printing room and Taylor crossed her arms. Being in the same classes as Harry was going to be a nightmare. She was sick and tired of having to be the tour guide of the school. They should just hire someone to help new students.

"You know, you could pretend to be happy. Now you don't need to be late to class while showing me around." Harry whispered leaning into Taylor's ear and she moved away from him. He was enjoying playing around with her. He understood that she was irritated with him.

Janice came back and handed Taylor the schedule. Taylor looked at it hoping to find at least one different class but she didn't. "His agent called and asked us to put Harry in the same classes as the person who was helping him around his first week. Sorry." Janice apologized and Taylor rolled her eyes. She thanked Janice and walked out of the office with Harry right behind her.

"I will show you around, make sure you get settled in peacefully and then I will let you go and you can either make friends or be alone, for all I care." Taylor explained as they left the office. Harry was standing next to her, listening to Taylor. "And for the record, I don't like you very much, because of what you did, and I would rather if you didn't come to close to me.

"It is impressive how no one is interested in my side of the story." Harry said sarcastically while crossing his arms, facing Taylor. She couldn't bother listen to whatever he had to say. But her attention was much more focused on the noise that was increasing in volume. "Do you hear this?" Harry asked with a concerned face.

"Shhh..." She shushed him and looked over her shoulder. It was a matter of seconds, until a group of girls and boys started running down the hallway towards Taylor and Harry. They were rushing fast, and Taylor couldn't believe her eyes.

"Run!" Harry yelled and holding onto Taylor's wrist and pulling her along with him, as they ran in the opposite hallway. This school was enourmous and it was divided into 2 different building, each consisted of 4 floors. They ran down the hallway and exited the first building, while the people were running right after them. At first Taylor thought they weren't running after Harry, but when she could sense their presense entering the building, Taylor was scared.

So scared she didn't even notice that she was holding Harry's hand, with his fingers interlocked with hers. She no longer could hear the screaming teenagers behind them. Harry was much focused on getting to some place where poeple wouldn't find him, that he didn't realize that Taylor was right next to him.

They turned right towards the hallway that led to the auditorium and opened both doors. Harry finally released Taylor's hand while he looked for places to hide. "You seem to know what to do. I bet you are used to having people running after you." Taylor whispered while panting from all the running.

She was following him until they reached the backstage area, and entered the closet with the costumes that have been used in previous plays. It was a small space, with clothes on the hangers and spread around the room. Taylor made a mental note to check with the Drama club about the organization of the closet. She saw the look on Harry's face as he was seeing how disorganized the room was. He was thinking about the amount of fun students have organizing plays. He missed the creativity that high school offered. "You know, this is not how we usually are in the school. We get to be disorganized sometimes, but other times we-"

Taylor was cut short when Harry's hand slammed against her mouth. His body clashed against hers and Taylor was pushed against the wall by the loss of balance. Taylor stood against the wall, with Harry in front of her, with his mouth over her mouth. Taylor started hearing the people who were chasing them run out of the auditorium after they couldn't find Harry.

Harry sighed after the whole place was filled with silence. He didn't really like when people chased him like they were in a witch hunt. He looked at Taylor standing in front of his, and once Harry saw where his hand was at, he dropped it, feeling awkward that he just touched Taylor's lips. They have only met today. Out of rage, Taylor grabbed Harry's collar from his t-shirt and pushed him against the opposite wall. She was planning to never reveal her aggressive side, but things happen.

"You ever put your hand over my mouth again and I will crash you like a little fly." She threatened him and after staring at him for a couple of seconds, with flames scalding from her eyes, Taylor let go of Harry's collar. She adjusted her clothing and opened the door. She looked at the watch and saw that 46 minutes had gone by and that Harry would make her arrive late to class. "Let's go to class, Mr. Styles." She said in a very monotone voice and opened the door.

"Crazy girl..." He whispered and followed Taylor to class. He just hoped people won't follow him around anymore. But part of him was glad that some people still were star struck by him.

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