Entries: Fantasy

302 13 12

Participant Entries

M = Mature

Judge #1 

1. Allied With Dragons, Duncana1003 

2. Let Me Find You, nutellaxgirlx

3. Fated Souls, omlata18

4. Princess Undercover, Doglovingfeminist

5. Pacific Reflections, Evergreen_Ebony

Judge #2 

1. The Lords Of Justice, LGBTQ AnasuyaRaj

2. Elements || The Lost Medallion, Anastaciawolf

3. Papaverum, M & LGBTQ rainlicioux

4. The Last Philosopher, NickfEast

5. The Witching Hour, _cleothegreat

Judge #3 

1. Purifying a Dark Heart, M MilindaOrji

2. The Hero of Draylis, M (Some violence) emiliasinclair

3. Electrified, Lisa_Akinfe

4. The Shadow Wanderers, UrbaSaleem

5. Falling Erother'hi, 80PaperGirl08

Judge #4

1. SynWorld Chronicles, M & LGBTQ Synegg

2. Blood Sucker, M lovechild777

3. The Claimed: A Clash of Copper and Gold, M & LGBTQ spelunkadunk

4. The Prisoners of Fate, M & LGBTQ Shivran86

5. Silent As The Moon, Needletail2

Judge #5

1. The Claimed: Rashika's Resistance, M & LGBTQ spelunkadunk

2. Traveling Salesman: Astronomgonist, Amaboo

3. VenatIO, oompa_2

4. The Darkest Hour, M & LGBTQ badgersnbooks

5. The Z Virus: Outbreak, M & LGBTQ Kezi_stories

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