The Fifteenth Measure

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Y/N's Residence

Y/N: Snoopy! Give me some love!!!

Closing the door behind me, I heard the small scurrying of paws coming down the hallway. I threw my bag onto a nearby couch and saw Snoopy waddling over.

Y/N: I'm home!!!

Snoopy barks joyfully as he jumps into my open arms. His tail wagged violently. I was met with many wet licks.

Y/N: (holds Snoopy in the air)D'you miss me?

Snoopy barks in reply.

Y/N: Alright, (puts Snoopy down)go get your toy so we can go play!

Snoopy barks again as he runs into my room to go get his toy. At the same time, my phone rings. I slumped over my couch and grabbed my phone from my bag.

Y/N: (answers the call)Hello?

Hiroko: *Hey, Y/N. You finished all of your homework, right?*

Y/N: I did, Hiroko-san. Why?

Hiroko: *Koharu and I are going to the festival. Wanna come with?*

Y/N: Sure! I'm coming with Snoopy, then!

Hiroko: *Sounds good to me. See you, Y/N.*

Y/N: Bye, Hiroko-san!

I ended the call as soon as Snoopy sits in front of me with his toy bone in his mouth. I sat in front of him.

Y/N: Change of plans, Snoopy! We're going to the festival with Hiroko-san and Koharu! And you're coming with!

Snoopy barked in reply and ran into my room again. I stood from the ground and gathered the things I need. I then felt Snoopy's paw at my feet. I look down at him and see that he was holding onto his harness and leash.

Y/N: (coos)This is why you're such a good boy, Snoopy~!

Snoopy wagged his tail in reply as I fit him into his harness. I held onto his leash and picked him up.

Y/N: Time to go!

Snoopy whoops as we leave the apartment.


As I was waiting for Hiroko-san and Koharu, I took in the festival's aura.

'I remembered the days we would go out like this... candy apples... water balloons... and the popsicles... such fun times.'

A familiar voice took me out of my trance.


Turning to the voice, I not only saw Hiroko-san and Koharu, but Kousei tailing behind them as well. I attach Snoopy's leash to his harness and softly place him down. His tail wagged as we walked towards the three.

Y/N: (smiles)Good evening, you three! (to Kousei)Glad you could make it.

Kousei: I was brought here... stripped of my own free will...

Hiroko: Oh, c'mon! (hooks her arm around Kousei)You're exaggerating!

Kousei: But I still have to practice...!

Hiroko: It's good to have a change of scenery, to take a breather! And I doubt Y/N's practiced his piece yet.

I awkwardly averted my attention elsewhere. No longer holding in her excitement, Koharu runs ahead of us.

When They BloomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora