Chapter 8, Flora Mayfield

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"My best friend is a superhero. A superhero." Flora paced across her room. "How long has she kept this from me? How? When?"

"Have you considered that she only became Athena after she moved to Paris?" Sunny asked.

"I saved her life and this is how she repays me?" Flora continued, not listening to Sunny.

"Flora!" Sunny said sternly. "Listen to me. Did Lillian have her necklace back in Alabama?"

"Well no, but-"

"And did Athena first appear in Alabama, or Paris?"

"Paris, but-"

"And didn't Cat Noir say that she received it by accident? How could he have known that if she got it in Alabama?"

"It's just so hard to believe." Flora said.

"Talk to her, it might make you feel better."

"Alright. Sunny, feather up!"

Tropic Storm tapped on Lillian's window.

"What is it now?" Lillian asked grumpily.

"I want to talk to you."

"Alright. Just be quiet. Mom's been on edge recently."

"Well, first off, I'm sorry for trapping you in that cube. I didn't recognize you."

"Well you released me eventually."

"And I'm sorry for thinking you were a vill-" She was cut off by Unna.

"You big bully! You made Athena sad! And when she's sad, she doesn't give me as much candy because she's eating it! So I'm sad! You- you-" Unna paused. "Poopy head!"

Lillian put her face in her hands. "Unna! Be nice."

"I'd, um, better get going." Tropic Storm said, not wanting to be yelled at by Unna.

"Bye, poopy head!"

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