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Author's Note: Hello! Another fic from the draft. I don't remember exactly where I saw this. I think it was on tumblr as well but I'm not sure. It's been sitting on my drafts since last year sooooo, finally had the time to work on it. Hope you like it. :)


Chloe's babysitter Sandra calls the Detective at the last minute, saying she has an emergency. Maze is still out on a hunt, so she asks Lucifer to watch over Trixie just until the demon comes back. Surprisingly, the Devil outright agrees and even says, "Anything for my partner," and while it's appreciated, Chloe couldn't help but think that he's plotting something with her daughter nonetheless.

"A movie about a dog? Hmm. This seems oddly familiar," Lucifer pressed play on the remote control after seeing the preview and sits next to the urchin without minding their physical distance. In the early days, he used to keep her at least at an arm's length, telling her she's sticky and all, but now, something's definitely changed.

"You've seen it?"

"Oh, yes, I've seen it," The consultant looks at the urchin with that smug grin on his face as he recalls the one time he threw her doll and asked her to fetch.

"You're funny,"

"Why, thank you," Trixie rolls her eyes while Lucifer once again laughs at the memory.

Maze arrives just in time before the movie starts.

"What are you guys watching?"

"Richard Gere and his dog,"

Maze snorted, "And Chloe's okay with this?"

"Mazikeen, I'm responsible enough to let the child watch only G rated movies,"

"Tss, aren't you supposed to leave now?"

"I promised the urchin to stay until the movie credits."

Maze shrugs and jumps from behind the couch to join them.


Chloe gets home around the part where the professor's wife arrives to see Hachiko still waiting by the train station.

There weren't any of the usual commentaries by Lucifer, and Maze is unusually behaved, and it actually bothered the Detective.

"You guys, alright?" She breaks the ice, and everyone seems to wake up from the trance with Trixie making her merry way towards her mother while the Devil and demon stay in place.

"Mommy! That movie is perfect. Lucifer and Maze are bawling."

"The devil does not BAWL!" Lucifer protests loudly but doesn't stray his eyes from the screen.

"Lucifer's really funny, Mommy. He says he's not crying, but he is. Maze, too."

"Maybe it's best we leave them to it? I have a chocolate cake."

Trixie nods enthusiastically and leaves the club owner and ninja bartender on their own.


The commotion downstairs wakes Chloe up from her peaceful slumber the next morning. She hears a delighted squeal from her daughter and a...bark?

She carefully makes her way downstairs to see what the fuss is all about and sees the trio playing with a puppy.

"What's happening?" Arms crossed over her chest; she interrupts the occupants.

"Good morning, Detective! May I present to you, Harbinger of Death, or Harvy for short. Consider it a gift from me to your offspring."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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