He made me this

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Izukus pov*

I got up and was getting ready and trying to be quiet until I stepped out of my room I ran to the door and ran all the way to school once I got there I went to the roof until I hear people call me....

Bully : oh your still alive ..Deku!"

" What do you guys want "
One of my bully's came over to me and grabbed me hair slamming my face into the floor I looked u and had a bloody nose more of them came and out started to beat the crap out of me about 6 minutes later they went to class I was nocked out cold .....but... Before I passed out I heard a voice

???" Hey! , Are you ok little guy!?"

And then I passed out.

Dabis Pov* I was looking around for someone to kill that's when I heard laughing and crying I climb up to see. Fourteen years old and about sixteen years olds were beating the hell out of this other fourteen year old he was COVERED  in blood and cuts scars and bruises I yell out to him once they leave

" Hey! , Are you ok little guy!?"
He passed out I'm sure he heard me before his head hit the floor and his eyes shut

Shit ! , I don't know what to do
I hear my name be called so I run off hoping the boy is ok . I'm 17 I ran to the group and after everyone was done killing someone for revenge or because they did something gross to younger kids

About three hours since we got back to our base that kid is still on my mind that when Deku came up to me

Denki" what's on you mind "

I look at him and shrug it off I walk out the base and back where the kid was ..... There was just a pool of blood with the boy still laying there and then I hear voices

???" Hey did you do this the mutt ?"

I.jusy played along to see what was going on

" Yeah, so what ?".
????" Dam, that's cool, how the hell did you do it?"

" My arm fist and quirk "
I said making them sound stupid for asking how I beat this kid but I didn't

" Anyways I need to go oh and .."

Before I left I burnt them for doing that to this kid they were dead so I thrown them off the school roof then I realized that this is a middle school I had to leave so I didn't get it n trouble with my boss and no not crusty boi OFA  he told me his name once but I forgot.

Izuku POV*. I wake up after school ended I slowly made my way back home Inko was out doing stupid stuff she dose I went into my room and took a bath. I got out and changed into leggings and a oversized black hoodie and red convers I jumped out my window when I heard my mom's car I ran into the woods going really far I ran about 3 miles into the woods until I found the grass patch with all the animals there like wolf's dears and bunny and some more , I sat down taking the meat out for the wolf's and more for the other animals abut 1 hour later they wolf's feel asleep in my lap the dears later down next to me and the bunny's went on my back that I had I have been there for 4 hours it was now 9 pm I had to leave I left them more stuff and then I started running aging dyer I petted them I got back to my house and climb the window I changed and feel asleep

The next.kornong still Izukus pov*

I wake up on a wired place I was in a chair that had my hands held down and my feet tide I wiggled around that's when a man with a mask on came to me and started to put gas thing by my nose I passed out and woke up with my hands and back, legs, wrist, ankles, and my hole body cover with band-aids and so more I noticed a lot of 💉 they had different color left over licudi he came back in

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