A dream i had this morning

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I had a weird dream this morning. So apparently I was in some kind of shop but not just any shop, a Dananronpa shop (crazy right?). So in the shop, there were these balls all over the floor y'know those balls that have a suprise inside when you open them. Anyways, I'm lookin around for a Chiaki ball because there was this event for it. A little while after looking, I find it. So, I reach for the ball, not knowing what to expect. So, I'm opening the ball and i have this vision of Chiaki saying, "Hey Hajime, can you tuck me in like Nagito does? Oh, you can't? well then leAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE"  and then It's Been So Long started playing. This was by far the cringest, funniest, weirdist dream I've ever had.

(Sorry for making you read that monstrosity)

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