Ariving at the beach with arisu

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*You sigh*
"here it is Arisu.. the beach"

*arisu smiles*
"How the heck do they have electricity"

*You look close*
"I guess we can find our answers there"

Right when arisu was gonna say something you look across and saw someone with a black coat and bag pointing a gun at Arisu then right when you were gonna say something this other person got a bag over your head. Before you could fight back they knocked you out..

All you can remember is that you were in the balcony and then you wake up sitting and a bag on your head and try to move but you can't.. your tied up to the chair. You hear arisu struggling next to you.

Then people take the bags out of your head.. "is this the beach.." ??

You question in your head.. you look around and see tough people, this bald guy, this guy with a gun, and some back up people holding guns.

This one girl that was standing in front of you guys then said in a calm voice, "good morning" ...

You were shocked.. WHAT MORNING? damn.. that must have been long.

This guy next to the girl then added to her, "sorry we were so rough, we heard that people were sneaking in or something"

Then this one girl who had sun glasses, crop top, and shorts was walking behind them entered in front of us and said, "what are your motives.."

You were scared to answer so then arisu said before you can think of anything to say, "we heard if we come here we will get the... answers... and where all the people who disappeared went"

It turns quiet but then a guy with a robe and some guys bangs the door open and you and arisu look at who it is.

He says, "exactly!.. we know the exact answers to the questions you both asked" he says as he walks towards y'all.

"Welcome.. to the beach.. the utopia"


After having fun at the beach and knowing the answers from people you guys then spend the night there and they gave you the braclets that the beach had... "death to traitors"

You were doing this one game with one of the guys that had guns and stuff. You just stared as he shot people from the ride you guys were in. You gazed at the sky. You then ask him interrupting his shooting,

"What's your name"
He then just stares at you with a smirk.
"Niragi.. yours?"
You smile..

Yes, you were worried for arisu but you just couldn't get your eyes off him..

He says breaking the silence between you guys and then the robot of the game says "game cleared.."

You check the item Niragi have you then saw it and said: "meet me in my hotel room: 453 at 1:00 am"

You guys go back to the beach
You try to find arisu but don't see him.. you worried.. then you find him in a crowd looking around.

You guys hug after spotting each other..

"Glad to see you, arisu"

"Same goes to you"

You guys say looking around the beach and then you guys find a spot to sit down

Moments after chatting with Kuina that you just met after she sat next to you guys, you then see the group of people that niragi is in. They gave you a sorta creepy vibe.

They walk up to you...
Niragi couldn't stop staring at you.
He smiled.
The "boss" then looks at you in a weird way and says...
He stops pointing his head at niragi standing right beside him..
"Bring the girl"

Before Niragi can get to you and touch you Arisu stops him by saying, "HEY!"

Kuina then cuts him by saying, "Stop! Don't get yourself involved"

Niragi then proceeded to say, "our boss said he wants a taste of you"

"Now come"
He said..

Then arisu stops him and
says "STOP IT" pretty loud
and pretty clear to hear.

Niragi smirks as he then was about to say something which led you thinking he wanted to do do something to arisu so not wanting to let that happen you then said

"It's fine.. take me.."
"I'll be okay arisu"

Niragi smirks as he brings you by the arm and his team just stays there..

Moments after he brought you to his hotel..

"Who is this arisu guy?.."

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