To the person I cant stop loving~♡

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"Oooooh chibii~" Dazias voice singsonged throughout the whole apartment, making the ginger chuckle at his stupidity.

It was about 7pm and the couple were about to watch a horror movie. Chuuya cocked his head over the couch staring into his lover's eyes,"Hey mackerel, did you get the

The brunette walked over towards him and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"I'm so sorry Chibi~ I forgot." Dazai sighed knowing that Chuuya was a tad disappointed. Chuuya looked at the tv, thoughts running through his mind as he thought to himself,

"Just like you forgot tomorrow was our third year anniversary of dating."

He paused looking at his lover, "Hey Dazai are you excited for tomorrow?"

The brunette looked back at him rasing a brow,

"Tomorrow? I'm not sure Chibi, I mean I'm excited to spend any day with you, but how come tomorrow in particular?"

The ginger dropped his gaze from him looking down a tear forming in his eye.

"Y-you forgot didn't you," he couldn't help stuttering while trying to hold back his tears.


His lover noticed the sadness in his eyes, and wasn't sure why he was so upset. He decided to try and cheer him up,

"Hey chu chu, I'll go get you some wine okay?"

The ginger looked back into his gorgeous hazel eyes wiping his tear off, "It's okay really, just spending the evening with you is better than any wine." He blushed at his own statement, not realizing his face darkening when Dazai walked over to him and licked his cheek smirking.

"You know Nakahara you look beautiful when you're blushing." Chuuya's face was now dark red as he turned away from him, "Hah? You bandage wasting machine j-just go get the damn w-wine!"

The brunette just chuckled at his statement while cupping his cheeks forcing the hatrack to look at him.

"I love you Chibi,~" he smiled placing a small kiss on his forehead before heading to the door. Chuuya looked at him genuinely smiling, "I love you too, you idiot." Dazai just looked back at him waving goodbye.

♡♡♡♡♡♡ 3hours later~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Chuuya was dozing off listening to his favorite song, untill he heard the clock in the kitchen go off. The ginger immediately jumped off the couch, cursing to himself.

"I'm gonna kill Dazai for buying that damn clock."

He sighed plopping back down on the couch looking out the apartment window. He started dozing off again, but not before he heard a loud thud in the kitchen. Chuuya ran into the kitchen, only to find a 2010 Chardonnay bottle of wine on the countertop with a note.

"To my dearest Chibi ♡, I hope you had a wonderful nap, and you're so cute when you're sleeping and oooh~ don't get me started on your beautiful blush whenver I compliment you~."

The ginger blushed reading it cursing to himself, "Ah, shitty Dazai, I-I love you too."

The note continued, "~I wanted to do something memorable for us this evening, so please follow my instructions and I hope you have fun. I sent a text message for directions to the first place, I love you~ Dazai."

"Hah? Chuuya was so confused but decided to trust his lover. He opened his messages to see his first pair of "instructions."

To Chuuya:
"To my beautiful boyfriend, I have left a suprise for you in the master bedroom ♡. Please be home tonight by 11:45 pm, I love you chibi! ~Dazai"

To my dearest Chibi~Where stories live. Discover now