Chapter 10 ❤️last  breath❤️

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Hermione is walking back inside to tell the family

Ginny- so can i go talk to him
Hermione- i think he might kill him self i do t know ware he is
Ginny- what happened

Hermione tells the family what happened ginny is really worried

Hermione- i'm sorry i don't know ware he is
Ron- let's go look for him
Ginny- yes that's a good idea
George- no ginny your staying here in case he comes back
Ginny- i want to look for my fiancé that might kill himself
Molly- sorry ginny george is right

Ginny mad sits on the couch well the others go looking for harry

With harry at his parents grave

Harry- mom dad i'm so sorry i should have done better
Ghost lily- harry you did everything right
Harry- mom
Lily- yes
Harry- what how
Lily- i have no time
Harry- ok
Lily- your friends are worried specially ginny they were fighting a little bit but then they made up they really miss you so go back home please don't do it remember what ginny said to you
Harry- ya that she would oh no thanks mom i've got to go
Lily- love you harry

i'm with that ghost lily disappears Harry then head back to the borough and hope that his girlfriend hasn't tried to kill herself yet

Harry- ginny love stop
Ginny- harry

when ginny says this she stops and drops the knife she used to cut herself

Harry- love please stop

harry walks over to his fiancé tries coming down his face he pull out his wand heals ginnys cuts and brings her to the couch kisses her softly and hugs her through seems like hours

Harry- please never do that again
Ginny- harry i couldn't live without you
Harry- i will never ever leave your side again no matter what love
Ginny- i love you
Harry- i love you more

Harry then pulls ginny close to him and holds her like if he let go she would fly away she had fallen asleep to harry saying repeatedly i love you the Weasleys and Hermione came through the door hairy emotion motion them to be quiet and then picked me up brightest style up to our room she then placed her in her bed not knowing what pjs put her in her put her in his pants his shirt and his sweatshirt he then got into his pajama pants and then my damn hot in here he knew that the thoughts of what could've happened tonight if he hadn't made it home in time we keep them up all night The next morning ginny  woke up to harry holding her staring down at her

Harry- good morning love how did you sleep
Ginny- i sleep the best hun because i was in your arms
Harry- well that's great love

with this ginny sees the dark circles under harry's eyes

Ginny- harry did you get good sleep and don't lie to me
Harry- no my thoughts of what could have happened last night if i didn't get here sooner left me up all night
Ginny- oh harry i'm sorry
Harry- no love it's not you fault it's all mine but  i will never leave your side

So harry and ginny stay thare all day just happy that's they are together

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