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Kai pov

Me why me

Kai:why did they want me

Km:we can't tell you

Kd:but you'll find out soon

Alex:my mom said that

Alv:so did my mom why does all our parents keep telling us that

Kai:cause we're gonna find out soon

Km:we're sorry but you will and your gonna be shocked now how was your first day of school

My face instantly heated up thinking of what happened with Mattia in the closet

Kai:u-um it was good

Alv:Kairi almost killed someone but it was good


Km:Kai again

Kai:sorry the girl threatened Alv and I got mad so I went to her house-

Alex:with his knife


Kd:you brought your knife to school

Km:I thought I told you to stop carrying that around and you said you went to her house school was over?

Kai:yeah first day of school there was a food fight this group of boys ended up throwing milk at the principle and we laughed so we all had to clean up the cafeteria after school

Km:already getting in trouble

Kai:hey it wasn't our fault but it was funny tho you could've seen his face

Alv:we ran into the group at the beginning of the day their names were

Alex:Alejandro Raymond and mattia

Kd:Mattia as in-

Kai:yes Mattia polibio

Kd:why is he doing at school that boy is bad news he killed the nurse at the mental hospital

Kai:everyone has their problems nobody should come at him for being himself

Maiya:why are you being so cool about this

Kai:come on let's be real I'm a psycho i put someone into a coma till their death and a lot of other bad things we don't talk about and I'll do it again without getting caught Mattia probably had bad childhood memories that made him who he is

Alv:your just saying that cause you like him

Kai:w-what no I don't not at all

Alex:then what happened in the closet

Kai:I told you nothing

Alex:so when you think about Mattia big brown eyes and beautiful face in your words of course-

Kai:when did I say that-

Alex:what do you think of him in general

Kai:I think he is just a person like everyone else

Maiya:but he killed someone

Kai:so have I does it make a difference no yes I think Mattia is very attractive but is in no way interested in him

I said more to myself trying to convince myself not to like him but them hands and his lips and his fluffy black hair when his lips where on my skin it felt amazing I didn't even realize I was blushing until

Km:you like Mattia and what happened in the closet

Kai:what are you talking about

Alv:Kai I hate to break it to you but you said that whole thing out loud

My eyes went wide


Kd:what happened in the closet

Kai:ummmm gotta go

I ran up to my room locking it or so I thought burying my head in my pillow

Kai:how am I supposed to tell my parents the so called crazed killer gave me hickies in a storage closet but when I looked they weren't there

Alex:you probably can't tell them but definitely can tell us

I look up seeing Alv and Alex

Kai:I thought I locked that door

Alv:well you thought wrong why didn't you tell us

Kai:tell you what

I said trying to play dumb

Alex:don't play dumb


Alex:what happened in the closet

Kai:ok so when I went to get some more cleaning supplies Mattia came in after me we talked I said I wasn't scared of him he called me freaking shorty he asked for my name and I said no I might be next on his kill list that was a joke obviously then in a Swift motion his hand was on my neck and the other on my waist and I maybe have moaned


Kai:anyways I told him my name and said let go of me bitch and he said your my bitch now before kissing my neck leaving bruises

Alv:where's the bruises

Kai:I'll get to that anyways he kept doing it as I let him cause it felt good and he reached for my pants but I stoped before he could do anything else cause you know I'm different anyways I said we should get back to the others and he was like I'll see you later and kisses my cheek before walking out I checked my neck but there was no bruises it was weird so yeah that's that

Alv:wait so you basically almost got raped by Mattia

Alex:did you listen to anything he said he let it happen the question is why

Kai:I don't know I just felt this connection towards him like it needed to happen It was a shock in my body it was weird

Alv:so you like him

Kai:I don't know can i just sleep on it I'm pretty sure tomorrow is gonna be a long day

Alex:yeah we're gonna go see ya tomorrow

They started walking out

Alv:wear the thing!

Kai:I'm not wearing that

Alv:think about it


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