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"Hey you, get back here!" the man behind the counter called out angrily as he watched a young girl with dark brown hair run out of the store, laughter falling behind her as she looked over her shoulder and grinned at him before running

The man reached down quickly under the counter and grabbed a large gun before chasing after the girl "thief, thief"

"come on buddy, you're gonna have to run faster than that if you want to catch me!" the young girl called out with a laugh but the laughter instantly stopped when she heard a loud bang and a bullet flew right past her head "and you're gonna need better aim if you want to hit me"

"stop running you little brat or I'll shoot you!" he called out and then another shot went of but right before it hit her in the back, she disappeared completely and then appeared a few blocks down in an alley way

"well that was fun" she said with a grin and went to walk out of the alleyway but stopped when she heard something behind her, or someone. Her hand went to her pocket and grabbed the handle of a small blade, then she quickly turned around and threw it, it went right past the strangers head and snipped a bit of his hair of

"Why didn't you hit me?" It was a mans voice, he walked forward and the girl saw the man had brown hair and glasses, the girl went to make a snarky remark but he beat her to it "and don't lie to me, I've been keeping my eye on you for the past week ever since i saw you fight off five fully grown armed criminals by yourself, and i Know you don't miss your shots, infact i watched your blade fly forward then do a 170 degree turn and fly back into a man standing behind you"

"Its pretty obvious why i missed" the girl muttered out "i wasn't going to harm someone for no reason, i was just letting out a warning"

"Well it was an excellent warning, would you mind if i talked to your mother" the man asked and the girl pulled another blade out but this time held it out in her hand, pointing it at him

"who are you, i get you've been watching me because I'm a freak, but how do you know about my mother and I" the girl growled aggressively 

"My name is Tony Stark and you are far from being a freak, i can help you train, help you learn to use your abilities better and I know about your mother, well... because I'm Tony Stark" The man said with a shrug of his shoulders and suddenly a small grin comes onto the girls face

"i knew i recognised you from somewhere, so you're iron man huh? well i gotta be quite honest with you, my mum isn't exactly what you would call a fan of what you do or who you are, but i would be glad to introduce the two of you, maybe it will help her except me more for who I am" the young girl replied with a smile and then nodded her head and turned around to walk out of the alley "mum doesn't like me teleporting into the house, but don't worry it isn't much of a walk, just down the end of the street" she says and gave Tony a smile and he nodded his head and followed after her and they walked down the street towards her house

The street was loud, the sound of arguing echoed through the darkness, the houses were all run down and none of the houses had their lawns mowed, it was clear to Tony that the people who lived her were unfortunately not as privileged as many other people in Queens

"here we are, home sweet home" the girl says and Tony looks up at the one story building that looked like it would fall apart at any minute. They walked up the front steps of the house and the girl pushed the door open "Mum, I'm home and i brought company!"

"Okay honey, its great that you are making more fr-" Mandy stopped as he walked into the front room and saw her daughter and Tony Stark standing behind her "oh"

"Mr Stark wants to talk to you about a few things, I'll be in the kitchen putting this stuff away,"  Diana told her mother and then walked past her, leaving the two adults in the room and she went into the kitchen

Maybe after Mr Stark was finished talking to her mother, Mandy would except her daughter more and allow her to use her abilities instead of hiding them

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