Chapter 1

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"seriously Diana, im getting really worried, the only time we ever see you anymore is at school and even then it's like you aren't really here" Ashleigh complained to her friend as they walked down the hall of Midtown High. 

"Ash is right, there is something going on, we know it, you were acting like this last year and we thought that it was just a faze or something but its only getting worse, you can trust us, you know that we are here for you, we are just really worried" jessica said to her friend and placed her hand comfortingly ontop of Dianas arm comfortingly, though Diana brushed it off, never being good with emotions, she never new how to deal with them and she definitely didn't want people worrying for her, she was sure she could take care of herself and she didn't want her friends getting involved, it could get them hurt or even killed

"Guys, seriously I'm fine, I've just been staying up late doing homework and studying and stuff, it's nothing serious and you don't need to worry about me so much, i can take care of myself you know, i have been doing it for basically all my life" Diana says with a sigh and then stops and walks over to the rusted blue lockers that clung to the side of the wall. She quickly does the code and then gives the locker a hit in the bottom left corner and it her locker flies open

"just because you've been doing it your whole life doesn't mean that you should be" Ashleigh argues and stands next to the lockers waiting for Diana to shut it so they can walk to class

"when did you get all wise?" Diana asks with a laugh and grins at her friend and then tucks her books under her arm and shuts her locker then the trio continue to walk down the hall

"a while ago, but if you weren't in your own little world all the time, you would have noticed" Ashleigh says with the shrug of her shoulders and a laugh.

"well i-" Diana went to reply but was cut off by someone calling out to the three of them

"Ash, Jess, Dee, whats up" they hear and turn to see the rest of their friends walking down the long school corridor, pushing past people to get over to them

"hey guys" the trio all say, though Diana had only muttered it out as she instantly was drawn to something else, when she had looked out to watch her friends come over, she watched as one of her friends Liz had bumped into a boy and sent his books flying to the floor with a large thud. Liz completely ignores him and Diana glared over at her and then looks over towards the boy and makes eye contact with a boy down the hall whos books were still lying about a meter ahead of him on the dirty floors, he and his friend were staring at her, as if they were in  daze. the boy she made eye contact with was Peter Parker and the other boy was his best friend Ned. When peter realised she had caught him looking his cheeks flushed a dark crimson red and his eyes went wide, he quickly looked down at the floor and grabbed his friend Ned and began muttering something quickly to him

Diana chuckled softly under her breath and turned to her friends, she couldn't deny that the Parker boy was adorable, but her friends would never let something happen between the two of them, her friends had giant standards, leaving Diana behind to look at the boy that they didn't even know existed "hey I'll catch up with you guys later, save me a seat, i gotta go and do something" she tells them and doesn't wait for a reply and walks straight over to the two boys, she picks up the books and then hands them to Peter

"Hey Peter, hey Ned" the girl says with a kind smile and waves at them "sorry about that, I'm sure she didn't mean it" she said the last part softly, she knew that Liz had meant it 

"h-hey Diana" Peter and Ned both stutter out and grin at her, she smiles even wider

"thanks for my picking books up" Peter rushed out and caused Diana to raise her eyebrows with a slight grin and Ned elbowed his friend in the side "i mean thanks for picking up my books" he quickly corrected himself, his pinks went even more red, which Diana believed to be impossible

Agape - Peter ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora